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a000846b Remote Agent on the media server not working for Local backup

Level 5
Guys this is weird the remote agent service is up and running a telent to the port 10000 is also connectinting flawlessly but when a test backup is fired of the particular media server it fails is 10 seconds with the error a000846b remote agent error on the target machine, and the backup job execution log states that theres a logon account is not valid or locked out.

Could someone please help me out its weird.

Ankur Kumar

Level 6
Hello Ankur,

Does the error occur during a local backup or a remote backup? Had you changed the credentials of the service account? This error may also occur if the Backup Exec Service Account password has been reset and this is not being reflected in Backup Exec. This maybe resolved by updating the password in the Backup Exec.

Refer to the technote below:

Revert if the error persists.


Level 5
Hi Priya
Its a local backup of the media server and the account which is running the service is a domain account but the SYSTEM ACCOUNT tab is not getting activated under
NETWORK -> LOGON ACCOUNT -> ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT on selecting the relevant accounts.

Ankur Kumar

Level 5
hey Guys
finally got a break through, the issue has been resolved by creating a new separate policy for the same media server for local backup and wallah, the backup happended successfully.

Anyone with an idea why does a logon account failure effect the baackup of a particular policy and not a group or all of em.

Ankur Kumar

Level 5
hey Guys
finally got a break through, the issue has been resolved by creating a new separate policy for the same media server for local backup and wallah, the backup happended successfully.

Anyone with an idea why does a logon account failure effect the baackup of a particular policy and not a group or all of em.

Ankur Kumar

Level 5
hey Guys
finally got a break through, the issue has been resolved by creating a new separate policy for the same media server for local backup and wallah, the backup happended successfully.

Anyone with an idea why does a logon account failure effect the baackup of a particular policy and not a group or all of em.

Ankur Kumar

Level 6
Hello Ankur,

Thanks for the Update!
We will consider this Forum as closed then as your Issue is resolved.
