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backup of user folder hangs server

Level 2
I'm running BUE v9.0 rev 4454 on an NT 4 Server. I backup to a disk on a Windows 2000 workstation. Users on the network copy their Outlook .pst files to their folder on there server where they are backed up each night. When the backup fails, the server is hung and has to be powered off/on to reset in the morning. The backup log is incomplete, and the last entry shows it is backing up a particular user's outlook folder on the server. There are 3 users folders it fails on, each having .pst's from 400mb to 700mb in them. If I exclude these 3 users Outlook backup folders from the job, the backup completes OK. I've deleted their file and when it's re-created by them it fails. Ran beutility on database, no errors found. Ran chkdsk on server volume, no errors found. No Dr. Watson logs, no errors in event log (entries in log stop about the time it hits the folder, then start again when the server is restarted). I would think if it were encountering corrupted data or if the backup disk is near full I'd get a message logged and the job would fail. I may try reducing the number of days backups retained, does anyone else know what could be going on?

Level 6

Are you using Backup Exec DLO Agent?

Is there any error in job log?

Outlook has to be closed when backing the ".pst/open files", otherwise it will take the control of those ".pst" files and hence make the system hang. Backups are made when Outlook is closed. Or you can use AOFO for backing up these files.

Additionally you can also upgrade free of cost to v9.1:

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Level 2
Thank you Shilpa for the reminder about the 9.1 upgrade, I will install it.

No, there are no errors in the log. There is an error opening the xml log since the job hangs the server it is unable to close the log properly. I can scroll down to the end and see which folder it was backing up when it hung.

Yesterday I excluded one of the users' folders on the server from backup and the job completed.

No, we are not using the DLO agent. At the user workstation, they are using the Microsoft .pst backup utility. When they close Outlook, after a short pause the utility copies their .pst file to their user folder on the server as a backup. The utility makes sure Outlook has closed before backing up.

Yesterday I changed the Disk Space Reserve to 1GB from 0 thinking it was possibly running out of space and hanging.