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backup the index

Level 2



1. How can I backup the 11d index (I guess they are sitting in SQL Express database folder?),

So if the media server crash I can upload all jobs and index to a new backupexec11d server.

Can it be done? (import export or some other method?)


2. can i restore data (from disk based backup and from Tape media) if i loose the server (index)?




Level 5
There are 2 things I would have on hand just in case of an emergency.
1). Copy of the Backup Exec Database (BEDB) backup file
2). Copy of the media server configuration file
If I have to recover the same media server with the same name, I can use the backup file.
If I have to build a new media server with a different name, I can use the configuration file
Use the Backup Exec Utility to perform each of the above suggestions. Here's how to open the utility:
1. Close and exit Backup Exec
2. In Windows Explorer navigate to the Backup Exec installation location
       C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\
3. Launch the file "Beutility.exe"
   a. Click OK when the warning pops up    
4. Click on All Media Servers and select the computer name from the right column
   a. If the server name is not present, you must add it
   b. Right click on All Media Servers and select New Media Server
   c. Browse to the Backup Exec server (the server you are on)
   d. Select the top option - click OK
   e. Now the computer name will appear on the right - select it now
5. Scroll down the left side - to the appropriate task
Backup copy of the database
Under the heading "Database Tasks" click "Dump Database."
Save a copy of "BEDB.BAK" found at this location
    C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Data
When needed, simply Recover the database (Drop existing and reload from backup)
Media server configuration
Under the heading "Services Task" click "Copy Media Server Configuration"
Enter the requested data and click OK
Save a copy of the .CFG file in the location where you specified
Here are some details about the configuration task.
Copy Media Server Configuration enables you to copy the configuration information for a media server to a configuration file that can be stored on a hard disk location on your network. Using this configuration file, you can then apply the media server's configuration information to other media servers in your environment.
Configuration information that can be copied includes :
-Jobs, including backup, restore, and report jobs
-Policies, templates and selection lists
-Logon information
-Media sets
-Other information such as job defaults, error handling rules, alert configuration, and default schedule data.
BEUtility will not copy media sets that are not currently assigned to a job. For an example, if there are 15 media sets but only four of them were in use, then only those particular four media sets will be copied, and they will be migrated blank or empty.
Apply Copied Media Server Configuration enables you to apply the media server configuration information that was copied using the task Copy Media Server Configuration to other media servers in your Backup Exec environment.