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media set configuration for removable hd

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Hi, using Backup Exec  2010 R2 and am confused about media sets and was wondering if someone can suggest the best approach:


I want to back up to removable USB external drive.  We have 2 drives and want to rotate them weekly (write to one drive for a week, remove it and put offsite, put the other one that was previously offsite back into the server) .

I want to do a Full backup daily (Mon - Fri).

Backup Exec is installed on Windows 2008 R2 and using Windows 2003 agents.


So, I should create 2 new devices using "removable backup to disk folder"??

Do I use the same drive letter for each device?  (there will only be one external drive connected at any one time)



How many media SETS should I create? (5 for each mon-fri, or just 1?).

Within the media SET, should I add individual media (e.g., Mon, Tues, etc.)?

What overwrite and append rules should I use?

On my tests, I had specified a folder within the USB drive, but I see (IMG) files on the main root of the drive also.  I see both IMG and BD files when I look at the USB drive directly (in the root and inside my folder).  I don't understand why there are both and why everything does not stay in the folder I created for it.

We are also using DLO so I created a folder for that as well on the same drive.  Is that going to be problematic?  Looks like I can specify how much capacity Backuptodisk is allowed to use, but the fact that I see it writing files outside of the folder I assigned it to also worries me.


Thanks for any help.



Level 6

So, I should create 2 new devices using "removable backup to disk folder"??

two devices, but standard B2D. R-B2D is designed for hardware that stays connected, but has removeable bedia, like a Jazz drive

Do I use the same drive letter for each device? 

You can do this with 2010 R2, which has much inproved handling of external B2D devices

How many media SETS should I create? (5 for each mon-fri, or just 1?).

If you will be doing fulls each night, one media set will  be sufficient

What overwrite and append rules should I use?

I would recomment to not append at all.  Make your job Overwrite only.  As for OPP, how much data is each backp and how large are your external drives?

but I see (IMG) files on the main root of the drive also. 

R-B2D can only  be written to the root of the drive, standard B2D can be written lower on the tree

We are also using DLO so I created a folder for that as well on the same drive.  Is that going to be problematic?

Should be no problem

Looks like I can specify how much capacity Backuptodisk is allowed to use, but the fact that I see it writing files outside of the folder I assigned it to also worries me.

Don't understand your concern here?


   VIP    Certified

Do I use the same drive letter for each device?

With BE 2010 R2, you do not need to worry about drive letters.  Let the OS assign the drive letter.  If the drive letter changes, BE 2010 R2 is able to handle it.

Employee Accredited Certified

I agree with the above comments by Ken and PKH apart form the DLO side of things (which will be a problem.)


DLO data  cannot be located on a drive that is regularly not present in the operating system as that will create huge amounts of problems - basically DLO itself is not designed for off-site storage - although you can backup the folders/servers containing DLO data to your B2D on your USB disks for DR purposes.


DLO can use more than one storage location - but each end users data can only sit in one of the storage locations.