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problem restoring

Level 3
hi guys,

im trying to restore my sql database from 1 server to another, im very new to this. everything backs up fine but i need to have the main database on another server. im running windows server 2000 on both servers and both have sqlserver 2000 installed. when i run my backup job with the sql redirection selected the job fails on a authentication error 0xe000fe29.could this be happening because in my resource credentails its selected my old server (the 1 that currenty backup runs from) and not the server im tring to connect to?, any ideas?
please let me know if you need more info


Message Edited by jabba316 on 02-29-2008 03:13 AM

Message Edited by jabba316 on 02-29-2008 04:01 AM

Level 3

ive have made a duplicate database called test like the 1 that was backed up and in my redirect sql setting, ive typed my other server's name and instance and even tried putting the new database name in (tried a few senarios). ive had take the sql server offline selected,replace database or filegroups and restore all database files to to the targets interface data location selected. still failed to connect,

in my resource credentials its got my old server in there and when the job fails ive noticed its tried to connect to it and says cannot connect to the server, it does not exist on the network and it takes the first 2 letters of my old servers name away.