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understanding the inc jobs in BE2012

Level 6

Hi all,


Im just playing with BE 2012. Now we are on BE 2010 it is really simple to hanlde it.

So my question is:

on BE 2010 if I open a restorejob of a diff/ / inc backup I see only the files there wecke changes since last full backup und stored in the inc job.

on BE 2012 I see all file in the inc job.

Can anyone here explian me that behaviour?


Thank all


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Have a look @ this KB -

The difference is in the icon.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

This is due to the  "Synthetic Catalog View" used in BE 2012. It makes it easier for customers to restore all resources from the latest backup regardless if full or incremental.

Level 6

that sounds preatty cool, and will make my life more easier :)

Means that, that if i open the newest inc job  and will restore all the files i will get allways the newest files and BE2012 will look where the newest files are in a full or inc and put them self-controlled to the restore job?