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Cluster Server 5.0 on Windows problem

Level 4
I have installed Veritas Storage Foundation HA on Windows 2003 Enterprise Server. When I start Cluster Configuration Wizard utility to create a cluster, the utility dies (the GUI disappears) every time I click the "Next" button at "Configuration Options" dialogue box. Accordingly there is an error in the windows system event viewer, "Faulting application VCW.exe, version, faulting module oleaut32.dll, version 5.2.3790.1830, fault address 0x00004cad."

Could anyone tell me what's going on in my system?

Level 6
Accredited Certified
Contact support.

Level 6
I would agree with Gene.
Have you tried doing a repair install first though? I have found VCS 4.2, 4.3 and 4.3MP1 to be very robust. I have on occasion found that the application configuration wizards have had issues, usually that it doesn't detect an existing service group, so the only option is to create a new one. I usually find that a reboot sorts this. However this isn't the same as the application actually crashing.
Let's just hope the VCS 4.3 -> 5.0 transition doesn't have the same sort of issues the BackupExec 10d -> 11d transition has.

Level 6
Accredited Certified
When I emailed the product manager and asked if he had any suggestions, he had this response:

Not really, the is due to some issue with OLE. Needs to be debugged.