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VCS - Resources Not Probed

Not applicable
Hello people,

I'm a newbie to this list.

I have 2 nodes (xgw1 and xgw2) running Soalris 10 and in cluster mode.  My problem is I have a resource that can't be brought online because it has not been probed on either system (node).  I probed the resource both from the command line and VCS GUI and it seemed to go well until I tried to bring it online thereafter. I keep getting the error;

VCS WARNING V-16-1-10283 Resource has not been probed on system xgw2

Just a run down of the commands I have executed this far and also some important info;

bash-3.00# hastatus -sum

-- System               State                Frozen

A  xgw1                 RUNNING              0
A  xgw2                 RUNNING              0

-- Group           System               Probed     AutoDisabled    State

B  Mediator1       xgw1                 Y          N               ONLINE
B  Mediator1       xgw2                 Y          N               OFFLINE
B  Mediator2       xgw1                 Y          N               OFFLINE
B  Mediator2       xgw2                 Y          N               ONLINE
B  Mediator3       xgw1                 Y          N               OFFLINE
B  Mediator3       xgw2                 Y          N               ONLINE
B  Mediator4       xgw1                 Y          N               ONLINE
B  Mediator4       xgw2                 Y          N               OFFLINE
B  Network         xgw1                 Y          N               ONLINE
B  Network         xgw2                 Y          N               ONLINE
B  Oracle1         xgw1                 N          N               OFFLINE
B  Oracle1         xgw2                 N          N               PARTIAL

-- Group           Type                 Resource             System

D  Oracle1         ORACLE               bgw                  xgw1
D  Oracle1         ORACLE               bgw                  xgw2
bash-3.00# hares -probe bgw -sys xgw2
bash-3.00# hares -online bgw -sys xgw2

VCS WARNING V-16-1-10283 Resource has not been probed on system xgw2

bash-3.00# hares -display bgw
#Resource    Attribute        System     Value
bgw          Group            global     Oracle1
bgw          Type             global     ORACLE
bgw          AutoStart        global     1
bgw          Critical         global     1
bgw          Enabled          global     1
bgw          LastOnline       global
bgw          MonitorOnly      global     0
bgw          ResourceOwner    global     unknown
bgw          TriggerEvent     global     0
bgw          ArgListValues    xgw1       ""
bgw          ArgListValues    xgw2       ""
bgw          ConfidenceLevel  xgw1       0
bgw          ConfidenceLevel  xgw2       0
bgw          Flags            xgw1       |STATE UNKNOWN|
bgw          Flags            xgw2       |STATE UNKNOWN|
bgw          IState           xgw1       not waiting
bgw          IState           xgw2       not waiting
bgw          Probed           xgw1       0
bgw          Probed           xgw2       0
bgw          Start            xgw1       0
bgw          Start            xgw2       0
bgw          State            xgw1       OFFLINE|STATE UNKNOWN
bgw          State            xgw2       OFFLINE|STATE UNKNOWN
bgw          ComputeStats     global     0
bgw          Dummy            global
bgw          ResourceInfo     global     State Valid Msg  TS
bgw          MonitorTimeStats xgw1       Avg 0 TS
bgw          MonitorTimeStats xgw2       Avg 0 TS

In the file, I have the following description for the Oracle1 resource group;

group Oracle1 (
        SystemList = { xgw1 = 2, xgw2 = 1 }
        AutoStartList = { xgw2, xgw1 }

        DiskGroup Oracle1_DG (
                DiskGroup = ora1dg

        IPMultiNIC Oracle1_IP (
                Address = ""
                NetMask = ""
                MultiNICResName = MultiNICA
                IfconfigTwice = 1

        Mount Oracle1_Mount (
                MountPoint = "/var/opt/mediation/ora"
                BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/ora1dg/vol01"
                FSType = vxfs
                FsckOpt = "-y"

        ORACLE bgw (

        Proxy Oracle1_NIC_PROXY (
                TargetResName = MultiNICA

        Oracle1_IP requires Oracle1_NIC_PROXY
        Oracle1_Mount requires Oracle1_DG
        Oracle1_Mount requires Oracle1_IP
        bgw requires Oracle1_Mount

So, I can't seem to get the bgw resource online and this is affecting connections to and from the Oracle database. 

May someone please point me in the right direction towards resolving this issue?



Level 6
Are you using the Veritas Cluster Server Agent for Oracle (pkg VRTSvcsor) or is this your own custom agent?

If using the VCS agent type, from memory the type name is Oracle not ORACLE; also ensure the has been included in

Additionally, the configuration provided above is blank / there are no attributes defined (again assuming the VCS agent is being used) - the minimum required attributes are Sid, Owner, Home - without these VCS would not be able to probe the resource even if the type name was correct.

Suggest looking at the Cluster Server Agent Guide for more details/steps to install/configure this correctly:

Veritas Cluster Server Agent for Oracle
(or html - )

The following in particular may be helpful/useful with verifying the configuration (links are all from html version above):

Installing and removing the agent for Oracle

Configuring VCS service groups for Oracle

Appendix A. Resource type definitions

Oracle attribute definitions

hope that helps