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hares command question

Level 4
I want to use a single hares command to list the resources that are either IPMultiNICA type or IPMultiNICB type. I don't want to use Type=~IPMultiNIC condition since there might be customized type starting with IPMultiNIC. I was hoping the following statement could work but it is not a valid command:
hares -list Type=IPMultiNICA  OR Type=IPMultiNICB
Can anyone tell me how to modify the above statement?

Level 6
Accredited Certified
You can't do "OR" unfortunately,

You can try:
hares -display |grep Type | egrep " MultiNICA| MultiNICB"

This will give you the name of the resource and group. If you also want IPMultiNIC you need to add it to the egrep string. For IPMultiNICB, simply remove the space after the pipe symbol.

Level 4
Thanks, Gene.
How about Windows platform? I don't think the find command takes OR option.

Level 6
Accredited Certified
I don't have a Windows cluster available to play with. If only windows had a good shell ....

In Windows there isn't MultiNICA and B, there is only NIC. Generally students tell me they use the MS facility to do OS based failover within a pair or so of NICs and you can use the NIC resource to watch the virtual NIC.

Level 6
What Gene says!
I'm sure I've seen guidance somwehere saying for Windows users to team two network cards, and use VCS to monitor the resulting virtual network card.