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Enterprise Data Services Community Blog
Enterprise Data Services Community Blog is the perfect place to share short, timely insights including product tips, news and other information relevant to the community.

Blog Articles

Presentamos el Nuevo NetBackup 5330

Hoy día sabemos que muchas organizaciones enfrentan un punto de inflexión en el que el ROI de las inversiones en infraestructura comienza a alentarse o decrecer. Por otra parte, más de la mitad de los...


Apresentando o novo NetBackup 5330

Clientes relatam um ponto reflexão, onde o retorno sobre investimentos em infraestrutura está começando a desacelerar. Mais da metade dos orçamentos típicos são consumidos por despesas com infraestrut...


Introducing The All-New NetBackup 5330

Customers report a turning point where infrastructure investment ROI is beginning to slow. More than half of typical budgets are consumed by infrastructure spending while headcounts are flat. And yet:...