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2 questions about Vault

Level 4
Partner Accredited



I need some verification.  The Enterprise Vault server version I have is shown as 7.5 sp3.  I am running Exchange server 2007 and want to update it to sp1.  When looking at the compatibility guides, I don't see anything for Vault 7.5, only Vault 7.0 and 2007.  Is Enterprise Vault version 7.5 the same thing as Enterprise Vault 2007?  I need to make sure so that my installation is compatible with what Symantec will support.


Also, I don't see any mention of the Exchange rollup updates.  Are these supported?  For example, we want to go to Exchange Server 2007 sp1 rollup 6.  I don't see any mention after sp1.  Can we assume the rollups are supported, or is it best to wait for the next Exchange sp and Vault service pack?




Level 5
Partner Accredited

yes this is correct: 7.5 is 2007 :)


for archiving the rollups are not a problem.



Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Agreed 7.5 is the same as 2007


Exchange hotfixes and service pack should not be an issue but i do recommend that you always have some form of LAB environment to test these on before deploying to a live environment


We have seen some incompatability issues with some updates like office and so on so test everything before full deployment because Symantec only test the Service packs they dont test the hotfixes or security updates in most cases