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Archiving Calendar items

Level 2
A few questions on archiving Calendar items:

1. Does it work like email archiving? i.e. Can it archive the item (including attachments) and leave a shortcut behind?
2. Can you configure it to only archive attachments?

I'm using EV6.0 SP2 and have tried to do some testing but nothing seems to work. I've selected the IPM.Appointment* message class for archiving. Selected 'Run Now' in normal mode for the archiving task and selected only my mailbox. Have synchronized my mailbox before and after doing this but nothing ever happens.

We have many users who store large attachments in their Calendar and would like to archive this stuff out. Any help?

Level 6
1. Yes it works like email archiving. It will archive the item and attachment. There is an option to strip the attachment in the mailbox archiving policy.

2. You can but as it as function of the mailbox archiving policy it would also affect email messages, i.e. it would only archive messages and appointments with attachments. Probably not what you want.

Check the advanced tab - archiving general of the mailbox archiving policy. There are a couple of configuration options that may be impact your archiving.

Level 2
How can I test it for just my mailbox?

Level 2
Is there no way to test on a single mailbox?

Level 6
In 6.0 the easiest way to test it on a single mailbox is to change the global policy, sync your mailbox only, and then test. Be sure to change it back 'fore a gloabl sync run happens.

In 7, just create a new prov grp with a higher priority and different policy.
