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Archiving strait to tapes

Level 3
Hello everybody !!

I have to crate file archive jobs with EV but there is a catch. This archive have to go strait from file LUN to tapes, without visiting secondary disk or LUN. I know it´s possible and I know some persons has done it, but I can´t found them. So I ask has anyone of You done it? Or do You know how to do it?

I have tried to do it by manuals and myself without luck. To source LUN comes some cab files, but they don´t newer go to tapes. 

So, do You know how to do it, or is there somewhere any instructions to do it?

Thanks fo Your time.

Partner    VIP    Accredited

Assuming you have the technology to accomplish this, have you considered that the time to retrieve an archived item from tape may not be acceptable?

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
I would be interested in this use case, too Never heard of this exact requirement, and there may be better products out there to suite this need ;) Cheers Michel

cloudficient - EV Migration, creators of EVComplete.

Level 3
Thanks for Your coments !!

There is some reasons we try to archive strait to tapes. If we think about some enviroments like universitys, this way is quite beatless. Assuming students use ~5 years in university, and they alla have 10GB home directories. In schools where is 1000 student 10TB disk for them.  Of course we know all disk is used, no matter what.

When we archive all files where access time is longer than two years, we can "increase" home directories mooren than 25 GB/student, maybe 32GB/student or 100GB/student. And when we compare investigation costs to disk systems we see the difference.

To buy 38TB disk storage is much moore expensive than 180 slot library with two/four dedicated drives. To use disk storage is much expensive than tape storage because of electricity, cooling, floor space and support costs. And with four drive (with duplicated tapes) it´s quite fast and very reliable. And over NetBackup, we have possibility to migrate files to new media, when it arrives. So, technology isn´t problem. Or at least I don´t see it.

OK, assumig we don´t need archive system, we have enough money to buy disk storage and we buy it. So everybody has space enough to use their files. So, still we have to buy tape storage, because we have to backup all files. And to create lists of backup files and backup them, we need a lot of time. We maybe run out of time during backups. So, we don´t have any cost saves in this scenario.

So, some enviroments archiving D-D-T isn´t cost efective. We can drop middle disk away and save lot of money. Depend on use of course. And because we allready have NetBackup in theese enviroments, why don´t use EV beside it.

This was backround information.