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Attachment Hyperlinks not working

Level 4
Running EV 5.3 (Upgraded to SP6) On 2k3 Svr Pre SP1. Users on Office 2003.

When item archived, the hyperlink to any attachment is bringing up a locate link browser window. Looking at the source of the archived email, the following is shown:

class=EVShortcutAttName width="80%"><.A"

(NOTE. the stops are put in place to stop the thread being rendered as html code, they don't exist in the original!)

What creates this? as you can see, it is specifying a new para in the middle of the hyperlink which is causing spurious problems (A browse window opening with locate link browser as the title and looking for .exe's) Interestingly, if I point it to IEXPLORE.EXE, it brings up the following (again incorrect)


A new server installed in same site behaves differently in that it doesn't kick off the locate link browser window, but simply shows the following (incorrect) URL in IE


If either of these lines are edited so that they read

http://Servername/EnterpriseVault/ViewMessage.asp?VaultID blah

The attachment is opened.

I guess my question is.... what builds the html shortcut of an archived email, and can it be changed to stop putting the incorrect stuff in the url?



Level 6
The easiest answer here is to upgrade to 6.0sp3.


Level 4
Hi Micah,
Not an option for me I'm afraid. It has taken me 18 months to get to the state where I can start rolling out to our users, the last upgrade led to several tech support calls. The board are pushing for ROI and want to see results.

Also, an in place upgrade will not change any of the settings I would have thought?


Level 4

Have you been able to get resoultion to this problem? I am having the same exact problem??

Level 6

If using hyperlinks like you, you will have needed to create a file on the EV server shortcuttext.txt (or something like that). Check the documentation.

It could be that this wasn't put onto the server and so that's what's caused the issue.

Try creating the file as per the documenation and confirm then if newly created shortcuts with hyperlinks are created ok.

Level 4
My install was done by a KVS consultant. The shortcuttext.txt is the default one and has not been ammended. A quick update on the situation that I've found, if more than one attachment is in the email, all but the first hyperlink work. It's only the first hyperlink that puts the new paragraph just after the href command. To be honest, I'm now looking at removing the hyperlinks from the shortcut messages and forcing users to double-click to open the email and open the attachments from there.



Level 6
Can you paste the shortcuttext.txt file into here. This is where the hyperlinks are created from.

It would also be worth logging it with us at support.

Level 4
I would ring support if I had the time :)

Thanks for everyones input so far.

Supporttext.txt Follows:

;Copyright � 2003 by kVault Software Ltd. All rights reserved.

;This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of
;kVault Software Ltd (KVS). Possession, use, disclosure or copying of this
;software and media is authorised only pursuant to a valid written licence
;from KVS or an authorised sub-licensor.

;This file is used to define the text that is displayed in shortcuts
;It is split into three sections:-
; Archived text - this is displayed in left of the banner at the top of
; the shortcut and is configurable for each message class.
; Link text - this is displayed in the right of the banner at the
; top of the shortcut and is the text of the link to
; the archived item.
; Attachment table - text displayed in a banner immediately before the
; table of attachments, but after the message body.

; See 'Installing and Configuring' for details of how to edit and use this file

;An example of how a shortcut could look is :

;| This item has been archived. View the original item. |
; Message Content Message Content Message Content
; Message Content Message Content Message Content
; Message Content Message Content Message Content
; Message Content Message Content Message Content
; Message Content Message Content Message Content
; Message Content Message Content Message Content
; Message Content Message Content Message Content
; Message Content Message Content Message Content
; Message Content Message Content Message Content
;| Attachments: |
; First.doc (10 KB)
; Second.xls (14.8 MB)

IPM="This item has been archived. "
IPM.Note="This message has been archived. "
IPM.Task="This task has been archived. "
IPM.Document="This document has been archived. "
IPM.Document.AcroExch.Document="This Adobe� PDF document has been archived. "
IPM.Document.PowerPoint="This Microsoft� PowerPoint� presentation has been archived. "
IPM.Document.Word="This Microsoft� Word document has been archived. "
IPM.Document.Excel="This Microsoft� Excel spreadsheet has been archived. "
IPM.Appointment="This calendar item has been archived. "

Text="View the original item"


Level 4
I dont think shortcuttext.txt has to do anything with this. What is in shortcuttext.txt is what user sees as a banner when email is previewed in the preview pane. The link to attachments is generated when the attachments get archived. That link contains the vault id of the archived attachment and is saved in the shortcut in the mailbox of the user.
The solution to fix this problem, what I believe, is only possible if somehow we can get to the saved shortcut in the users mailbox and manually edit the html path for the archive.
Upgrade will not help as the items which are already archived will still have the same problem. The new items archived will not have that problem though.

Level 4
Exactly, you've hit the nail on the head here. I was asking what it is that 'creates' the hyperlink text viewed in the preview pane of an archived email. I think it will be part of the executable that actually carries out the archiving. Even upgrading may not fix this problem, and I find it hard to believe that KVS rolled out V5 SP3 with this problem embedded in it. There simply must be a fix for this somewhere, perhaps a Symantec tool which trawls through the archives and removes the html new para code that is erroneously inserted after the first href statement.Message was edited by:
Paul Costigan

Level 6
Yes there are ways to get EV to rebuild shortcuts. Contact Symnatec support.