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Backup Scripts forEnterprise Vault & Event IDs with Veeam Post Script

Level 5


I have generated the scripts that needed to backup my Enterprise Vault Sites and Storage Groups using the Transform-Backup.PS1.

I have made two scripts, EVPostScript.PS1 which contains the Set-Clear commands to clear all the backup modes.

And I have create a EVPreScript.ps1 which runs via Task Schduler, the EVPreScript contains the Set Backup Mode on the site and on the Storage Groups.

When the EVPreScript runs, it set the Vault and Groups into the Backup Mode and Generates an Event IDs 7060,7059,7058,7319. After that the EVPreScript will invoke the Veeam Backup Job.

When the Backup Success on Veeam the EVPostScript should invoke the Clear- command to clear the Vault and Storage Groups from backup Mode. EVServer doesn't generate Event IDs when it exists even when I put the command maulally to exits the backup mode. It says that successfuly cleared, but no event IDs.

On the other Hand I can see that a Warning in the Event Viewer 41257 "One or more Vault Stores are in Backup Mode"

Any one can help?




Level 5

Hi Jeff,

So, I have to included part of the PostScript? before clearing up the Backup Mode?

I have noticed one thing that when I put the network path to the Vault Store as \\EVServer\VaultName$\*.* it doesn't reset the .DVS files...  but if I put the entire path such as \\EVServer\VaultName\$\2012\4\A\*.* this will reset the attributes of the .DVS files.

Any suggestion?



Level 5

Hi Jeff,

as per one of the Symantec Artical, the reset attributes or /Creation of IgnoreArchiveBitTrigger.txt files in the post scripts before clearing the Site/EV Vaults from the Backup Mode.

NOTE: If pre and post scripts mechanism is included in the backup job application, then IgnoreArchiveBitTrigger.txt creation should be placed before the clear backup mode lines in the script. The IgnoreArchiveBitTrigger.old file should also be deleted.

The problem in here, they are lots of .DVS files and I'm running the PreScript using the Task Schduler in Veeam Backup Server and the PostScript within the Backup Job.

I'm finding a bit difficulties to let the post script knows that all the .DVS files attribues has been changed from Archive to Normal, so the other lines of the script to start which are "Clearing the Backup Mode" from Server and Clearing the IndexLocation.

I have tried this, but I'm not getting it to work due to my abilities in scripting...

 Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path "\\EVServer\Vault$\" -Include *.dvs | Export-Csv D:\DVSFiles.txt

Then another line would be;

Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path "\\EVServer\Vault$\" -Include *.dvs | %{Set-ItemProperty $_ -Name -Attribut
es -Value ([System.IO.FileAttributes]::Normal)}

Any help?



Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

"So, I have to included part of the PostScript? before clearing up the Backup Mode?

I have noticed one thing that when I put the network path to the Vault Store as \\EVServer\VaultName$\*.* it doesn't reset the .DVS files...  but if I put the entire path such as \\EVServer\VaultName\$\2012\4\A\*.* this will reset the attributes of the .DVS files.

Any suggestion?"

Possibly that the process is taking a really long time to go through all the files ? attrib -a /s has to go through all the files to find the ones which have the archive bit and then remove it. This is going to take a while if you have a few million items in the vault store partition. If your vault store partitions are really large you may well be better off using the trigger file method.

If you run the script from the command prompt you will find out if it is actually working or not.

From your last post though....are you trying to check for archive bit AND use the trigger file? If you can remove the archive bit you don't need the trigger file. If you can't then use the trigger file! Use one OR the other. And make sure the partition is correctly set to look for a trigger file on the vault store partition properties.

have you read this:  ??

we are going a little off topic might want to start a new thread...



Level 5
Hello Jeff, The problem I have with file IgnoreArchiveBitTrigger file is the EV server doesn't change the file from .txt to .old by the EV Storage Service. that's why I'm looking at different root of doing this..