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Cannot Manually vault items...

Level 4
This is just happening on a couple of clients. The one in particular happens to have his index in the rebuilding state currently. The log looks like this:
The error returned is 0x800706BA

User initiated archive.
07/11/2006 14:23:26.586: DesktopCommon::IsSearchFolder: 0x0
07/11/2006 14:23:26.588: ~DesktopCommon::IsSearchFolder: 0x80040102
07/11/2006 14:23:26.595: CFilterPageHelper::SetupFilterData: 0x0
07/11/2006 14:23:26.595: CDesktopDirectory::LoadRetentionCategories: 0x0
07/11/2006 14:23:26.596: CDesktopDirectory::GetSiteData: 0x0
07/11/2006 14:23:26.596: CDesktopDirectory::GetIDirectoryPublic: 0x0
07/11/2006 14:23:26.995: ~CDesktopDirectory::GetIDirectoryPublic: 0x0
07/11/2006 14:23:27.326: ~CDesktopDirectory::GetSiteData: 0x800706BA
07/11/2006 14:23:27.326: ~CDesktopDirectory::LoadRetentionCategories: 0x800706BA
07/11/2006 14:23:27.327: ~CFilterPageHelper::SetupFilterData: 0x800706BA
07/11/2006 14:23:27.329: DesktopCommon::GetWindowsNumVersion: 0x0
07/11/2006 14:23:27.329: Windows Version = 501
07/11/2006 14:23:27.329: ~DesktopCommon::GetWindowsNumVersion: 0x0
07/11/2006 14:23:29.416: ~CCommands::DoArchive: 0x800706BA
07/11/2006 14:23:33.044: CCommands::DoArchive: 0x0
07/11/2006 14:23:33.044: CDesktop::GetOLConnectionState: 0x0
07/11/2006 14:23:33.044: Outlook Exchange Connection Mode: 1
07/11/2006 14:23:33.045: ~CDesktop::GetOLConnectionState: 0x0
07/11/2006 14:23:33.045: Exchange connection state: 1

Level 6
full or lite client?


Level 4
07/11/2006 20:20:27.639: Enterprise Vault Client (Full)
07/11/2006 20:20:27.640: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
07/11/2006 20:20:27.640: Microsoft Outlook 2003
07/11/2006 20:20:27.641:
07/11/2006 20:20:27.641: Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0.5730.11
07/11/2006 20:20:27.641:

Level 6
I "think" that 800706BA is a dcom server unavailable error (although i can't tell fer certain cause I don't get access to the symantec support db's). An easy way to try and check this is to turn the self install functions on for this mailbox (change the mailbox, sync ONLY this user, attempt to archive again). If it works you know you've got a dcom issue and can begin checking both DNS and DCOM functionality on the client. If it doesn't, you know it isn't a dcom vs http issue. Regardless, be sure to change that setting back before it syncs to the rest of your clients.


Level 4
Can you elaborate on "turning on the self install functions"?

I apprecaite your help.

Level 6
In properties of the default email archive policy, click advanced, then get the pulldown marked desktop. Halfway down that large list will be the self install entry. Enable that. This will basically make your full clients in to lite clients. Click okay twice. Then go to the archiving task where the user is (per exch srvr), right click props, then click on the sync tab. Select sync, select users, and hit hte sync button. Choose'm out of a list and then hit okay.

Next test to see if the communications problem still exists. If it does, you know the problem isn't dcom. Most likely it's dns or routing (if comm is actually your problem, which I suspect it is). If it does work, DCOM is most likely your problem. In which case, just search this forum for DCOM hints (there's dozens).

Regardless, turn the self install feature back off, or your next sync will push that out to your entire environment.


Level 4
OK. With the lite client things are off to the DCOM mine I go....

Level 6
The usual culprit here is the local dcom settings on the client. Make sure the local client can use DCOM first off, and then check the agent client broker's permissions. There's a couple of good articles on symantec's support page, and a couple of entries on this forum that will probably help.
