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Change in retention period

Level 4
If I change a retention period from 1 year to 3months will it delete the other 9 months worth of archived data?

Level 4
This is based on Archived Date based Expiry
If you archive an item at 01/01/2008 with a 1 year retention period, those items would be deleted on or after 01/01/2009.
If you then change that retention category from 1 year to 3 months, then that item would be eligible for deletion on 04/01/2008
If it was based on Modified Date based expiry, then it would be 1 year or 3 months after the item was sent.
So if you had an item with a sent date 09/01/2007, and it was archived on 01/01/2008.
With a retention category of 1 year, that item would be deleted on 09/01/2008 or after
With a 3 month retention category it would be deleted 01/01/2008, very shortly after it had been archived

Level 4
I changed my retention policy for journaling to 90 days and none of the emails are being removed/deleted. Do you have to do this manually?


Level 4
Employee Accredited Certified
You said "none of the emails are being removed/deleted."

You will need to setup and schedule or manually run the Storage Expiry.  The default schedule is "never".

This is done on the Site properties in EV 2007.

As the above poster stated, this can be setup using Modified Date or Archived Date.

Storage Expiry runs according to the schedule that you define on this screen, checking through archives for items whose Retention Periods have expired and deleting them.

Storage Expiry does not delete mailbox shortcuts to the items that it deletes. There is a separate method, "shortcut deletion", for deleting shortcuts that no longer point to archived items. Click the Shortcut Deletion tab to set up shortcut deletion.

Storage Expiry is carried out by the Storage Service.

Base Expiry on:

Modified date. Items in archives expire at the end of the Retention Period.

When you select Modified date, the start of the Retention Period is calculated as follows:

For mail messages, this is the time since the message was received.

For documents, it is the time since the document was last modified.

Archived date. Items in archives expire at the end of the Retention Period. When you select Archived date, the start of the Retention Period is the date the items were archived. This setting is useful if you import old items from other mail systems. If the items are very old and deleted items expire on sent/received date, the items could expire immediately.