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Disabling Offline Vault does not delete the local files

Level 4
i have offline vault enabled on my laptop.  i disabled offline vault, but disk space is not recovered.  I checked the location of offline vault and found that all the files are still present.
any idea whether this is the expected result?  ... or this there a fix?  thanks.

Level 6
Employee Accredited
This is can delete the contents of the folder or the folder manually.

Message Edited by andra christie on 05-22-200708:31 PM

Level 4
thanks Andra.
i disabled Offline Vault on my laptop and deleted the files in the Offline Vault folder.  then, i re-enabled Offline Vault.  however, after restarting Outlook, Offline Vault does not download anything.
is there anything i need to do?  i notice that there is a registry entry that refers to the name of the folder that i deleted (some long alphanumeric string).  do i need to do something to this?
PS:  i am doing this to test out different situations that a user may encounter, not to make life difficult   :)

Level 6
Employee Accredited
If you delete the reg key that specifies the offline vault folder that you deleted ( the long alphanumeric string)  and restart outlook, OV will start to download again and recreate the folder for you :)

Message Edited by andra christie on 05-23-200703:19 AM

Level 4
thanks.  let me summarize what i understand so far (please correct me if i'm wrong).
1.  after you enable offline vault, disabling it does not delete the files.  the files will need to be deleted manually.
2.  if you delete offline vault files, but do not delete the registry key that refers to the offline vault folder, EV will not re-download the files, because the registry shows it as "already downloaded".
3.  minimum offline vault size is 100MB.  setting the value lower than this will only result in the value being "reset" to 100MB after outlook is restarted.
4.  increasing offline vault size results in more items being downloaded from vault.
5.  however, decreasing offline vault size does not result in items being deleted from offline vault in order to comply with the new limit.  we will then need to delete the physical offline vault files and remove the registry key that refers to that folder.  offline vault will then re-download the items according to the new limit.
thank you!

Level 6
Employee Accredited
thanks.  let me summarize what i understand so far (please correct me if i'm wrong).
1.  after you enable offline vault, disabling it does not delete the files.  the files will need to be deleted manually.
2.  if you delete offline vault files, but do not delete the registry key that refers to the offline vault folder, EV will not re-download the files, because the registry shows it as "already downloaded".
3.  minimum offline vault size is 100MB.  setting the value lower than this will only result in the value being "reset" to 100MB after outlook is restarted.
4.  increasing offline vault size results in more items being downloaded from vault.
5.  however, decreasing offline vault size does not result in items being deleted from offline vault in order to comply with the new limit.  we will then need to delete the physical offline vault files and remove the registry key that refers to that folder.  offline vault will then re-download the items according to the new limit.
Correct - you can reset the OV and force it to comply with the new setting. Click ctrl shift and one of the ev buttons simultaneously in outlook and select reset offline vault after you have selected the new limit and when you restart outlook this will take effect.
thank you!

Level 4
i tried using the method of Ctrl+Shift and clicking on any EV icons in an effort to remove the local files for Offline Vault.  was dissappointed to see that the option to Reset Vault has been grayed out
well, i guess it was worth a try anyway   Smiley Very Happy
thanks a bunch Andra.