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EV Directory role move and placement

Level 3


I am seeking some advice and guidance.

We currently have 2 EV servers used for Exchange archival - one for Journaling and one for mailbox archival. The Journaling server is used as the Directory server.

We are looking to expand our EV infrastructure to include SharePoint archival. My feeling about this is to move the Directory Service role from an Exchange EV server to a central server that performs no EV Tasks, and only does Directory tasks. Is this a necessary or recommended approach, or simply overkill and not needed?

If it is recommended, how do you accomplish this? Do you simply install another EV server to the same version as the exisitng servers, and at the root of the management console ("Enterprise Vault"), open the properties and specify the new server as the 'Directory Service Computer'?

Thanks for any advice given.


Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Yes, personaly I would put the SPS Archiving Role on the Journaling server, as this has low traffic @ night. I would then schdule the SPS to run out of hours when journaling has least implact to the system

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Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Hi Chad,


In theory now days all servers have the Directory Service installed.

How many users? TBH I have done massive installes without the need to split this up.

Level 3

Thanks for the info. We only have around 5000 users, with the addition of a current max of 8TB of SharePoint content DB space.

It was more that it seemed a better design, having one directory server overseeing both the Exchange and SharePoint EV servers (with maybe more uses in the future), rather than that role being on a shared server with Exchange.

I noticed that the service is on all servers, but one is nominated at the 'master' and it is the key server for upgrades, etc. I just wasn't sure if it was recommended or not.

I guess from your experiences keeping the role where it is now would be sufficient?

Thanks again.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Yes, personaly I would put the SPS Archiving Role on the Journaling server, as this has low traffic @ night. I would then schdule the SPS to run out of hours when journaling has least implact to the system