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EV Read-only mode does not seem to work for me...

Level 4



I'm trying to prepare for backups for Enterprise Vault for Exchange and I've created the registry files and batch files.  I've just run the Readonly batch file but it does not seem to be in a read only mode.  I still seem to not have any problem archving manually from my outlook.  I tried archiving a couple and it looks to have worked from outlooks point of view, I also see the messages in the Vault on the EV server.  When I go to check the registry on the EV server I see the entries have changed to their value of 0 as expected.


The other piece I dont get about this is that the admin guide talks about having the backup server run the pre and post batch files.  That'd be no problem, I could do that as part of their jobs, however, then the registry part of the script would be making changes to the backup server and not the EV server.  Maybe I missed something in that understanding.


Here are my files to go to read-only:




REM ---------------------------------
REM prebackup.bat
REM ---------------------------------
REM specify the Directory Service computer when stopping a task

EVService stop CA01A2048 "Mailbox Archiving task for HQMAIL"
EVService stop CA01A2048 "Mailbox Archiving task for HQMAIL2"
EVService stop CA01A2048 "Exchange Provisioning Task for atsna"

REM specify the actual computer when stopping a service
EVService stop CA01A2048 "Enterprise Vault Storage Service"
EVService stop CA01A2048 "Enterprise Vault Indexing Service"
EVService stop CA01A2048 "Enterprise Vault Shopping Service"

regedit /s D:\readonly.reg

REM specify the actual computer when starting a service
EVService start CA01A2048 "Enterprise Vault Storage Service"
EVService start CA01A2048 "Enterprise Vault Indexing Service"
EVService start CA01A2048 "Enterprise Vault Shopping Service"

REM specify the Directory Service computer when starting a task
EVService start CA01A2048 "Mailbox Archiving task for HQMAIL"
EVService start CA01A2048 "Mailbox Archiving task for HQMAIL2"
EVService start CA01A2048 "Exchange Provisioning Task for atsna"





Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



I'm running Enterprise Vault 2007 SP3 (V7.5)





Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

You seem to have done everything correct, I can't find an error.

Have you run the script from the command line yet? Are there maybe errors if he tries to stop the Tasks/Services?


I think they didn't mean Backup Server, but rather Backup Software.

Normally, Backup Softwares execute pre/post scripts on the Client which gets backed up.

(In other words: script has to run on EV Server, or you would need remote registry)




cloudficient - EV Migration, creators of EVComplete.

Level 4

Thanks for the clarification on the backup side.  As for my origional problem, after rebooting it and resimulating it again with the pre and post scripts it seems to work now.  There is no notification on the outlook side that it is in read only mode though, to the user everything looks like its up and then as soon as its taken out of read only mode, the files are put in the vault.  Pretty slick, this is normal though with the outlook user not knowing its read only?





Level 6



yes EV will queue the archiving requests on msmq and pick them up once it is out of read only mode.