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EV upgrade with services in read-only mode

Level 3
Hi all,
I have to upgrade an EV6 sp3 to EV2007. So I have to first upgrade to 7.0 sp2 and then to 2007. I think the upgrade process could take a while so I'd like to let users work without allowing them to archive more data.
So I have scheduled a full backup and I'd like to put services in read-only mode for the period involved in all migration steps.
Could someone tell me if it is possible (and supported) this upgrade procedure?
Thanks in advance.

Level 6
Partner Accredited
No it is not recommended or supported to have the services in read-only mode during an upgrade - nor will it work, as before the binaries are installed with EV2007 the EV services will be automatically stopped.
The upgrade process actually doesn't take too long - the actual process of installing binaries, and then running the upgrade configuration, shouldn't take more than 30 minutes.  It's the testing to make sure everything is working that may take a little bit longer.

Level 3
In alternative, how could I prevent users modifing any data in EV server during the entire upgrade process(also the testing step)?
I'm afraid but I don't know EV version 6. I only know version 7 and 2007. Is it possible in version 6 to hide EV buttons in Outlook and OWA via policy too?(500 users email archiving with Exchange 2003) In this case I could hide all buttons for all users and then stop all EV applications in IIS on EV server. Is possible and recommended to use this procedure?
I need users cannot modify data so in case of problems I will do a full restore.
Any other suggestions will be appreciated.

Level 4
Partner Accredited Certified
Yes, you can  also control visibility of buttons and menues via policy in EV6.
Just for thinking? How will you test all functionality of upgraded system if EV services will be in read-only mode?

Level 3
In read-only I cannot test all functionality but my first problem is to inhibit users from accessing and modifying data during upgrade. If I select "hide both" in all policies advanced section I close all mapi connections through clients and EV server (I'm using universal shortcuts). Isn't it? So to close http access too, I only need to stop EV applications in IIS. But is it supported running upgrade process with these applications stopped? And does the upgrade process restart these applications itself?

Level 4
Partner Accredited Certified
Upgrade process will stop all services and when upgrade procedure is finished start only admin service.
Anyway, whole upgrade procedure is pretty good described in product documentation, so I suggest you to read it (RTFM). Smiley Wink