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Exchange Mailbox Archiving Task Failing

Level 3

Following is what I am getting in event viewer when I run 'Exchange Mailbox Archiving Task'.

The Task 'Exchange Mailbox Archiving Task for <Exchg Server Name>' failed to log on to Exchange server '<Exchg Server Name>' using mailbox 'SMTP:<mailbox_name>'. Please ensure the mailbox has not been hidden, that the server is running and that the Vault account has sufficient permissions on the server. 

I have made sure that <mailbox_name> mailbox has 'send as' permission granted. Also VSA account has all required permission granted on exchange server AD.

Any pointer would be appreciated.


Level 6
Partner Accredited

Does your EV service account has the correct rights in Exchange ?

The EV service account needs to have the send-as permission and cannot be hidden.

Level 6

Is the System mailbox hidden? Try to give the task a different system mailbox, can it list mailboxes available.

Level 6

Also just simply try opening the system mailbox in Outlook on the EV server when logged in as the Vault Service Account. If you can open the mailbox, try sending a message. This error is normally due to a permission issue, but could potentially be a problem with the profiles in Outlook on the EV server

Level 3

I could able to open system mailbox in outlook in EV server. What I did was, I ran "runas" command for my VSA account & under that context, I opened outlook. When outlook opened, it asked me to configure it. I manually configured it giving my system mailbox account name. It successfully worked. I could able to sync to exchange & also send & receive mails.


Let me know what else I can try out?

Level 3

I have granted all the permissions on exchange server AD. Also I have granted send as permission to VSA.

I am not sure about whether it is hidden or not. Though I am not clear how to check that as well. Could you let me know how to check that?


Let me know what more could be try out?