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Imported a .pst twice. ANyway to automatically get rid of duplicate shortcuts?

Level 5
  I'm assuming the answer is no, but hopefully there is a way around it.  We have a number of users and their .pst files were imported twice into the Vault.  They now have two shortcuts for each message in Outlook and (juding by the size of their archive in EV) two copies of the messages in their actual archive.

  We only have one Vault store with one partition and "Share archived items" is enabled (but it doesn't appear to matter in this situation).  We are running EV 7.5 SP2.

  Is there anyway to delete the duplicate shortcuts and messages, or would we be better off deleting their vaulted archives and then only importing the messages once?

  I thought one of the big points of EV was the de-duplication capability, but it doesn't appear to do that if you import the same .PST twice?


Level 3
I've never found an "enterprise wide" method of removing the duplicate entries, but on each client you can add the "modified" column to the view in Outlook (along with the typical From, Subject, Received, Size, etc....), you can then sort by the "Modified" column and delete the duplicates based on the time the duplicate batch was imported.

Level 6
Not too sure how come you have duplicate entries, EV can surely do SIS as long you have enabled  the "share archived items" feature. I would suggest to log in a support call for this....
Have you try to do a search via Search Vault and see if its really return two identical entries???

Grog has a great idea to remove duplicate shortcuts. If your setting is to remove archived items when shortcuts gets deleted, that's may help to remove duplicate entries in EV. However, you have to test it out...

Level 5
Yes, a search does return duplicate items.

Before I read your posts, I gave up and disalbed all of the mailboxes that had double items, deleted the archives, re-enabled them, and then re-imported the PST files once.

Level 3
Hi there,

Perhaps this feed is too old, but for those who still see it: I had duplicates last friday when I imported a PST from before I archived my mailbox.
The duplicates from the PST and the archived mailbox items had different modified dates. The latter the date from the full backup.

Today, 3 days later, after the next mailbox run, after the backup, but didn't do anything manually, the duplicates disappeared.
I'm pleased, hope you too have the patience to wait.
