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Index Question on Former Employees

Level 4
Our Index location has grown quite large. Am I wrong to assume that indexes for employees that no longer work for the company consist of this large index location? Is there anyway to purge indexes for employees that no longer work for the company?

Level 6
I believe if you delete the archives of your former employees it will delete the indexes as well.

Level 4
If you no longer require the former employee data, you can delete the mailbox archive in the VaultAdministration Console, which automatically removes the index associated with that archive.

Another option is to simply move the IndexLocation and it's content to a drive with more disk space and then create a new Index Location somewhere else.

A closed index location can still be written to and update existing indexes in it, however, new indexes will get created the new, open index location

Document ID: 273141
How to move an Enterprise Vault index on the same Enterprise Vault server