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Journal Archiving - On Exchange or on EV

Level 4

I've heard a number of people (Symantec and other EV users) talk about journaling from the EV server instead of at Exchange level.


I've tried looking for some information on this but can't find any,  can someone tell me what is possible in this area.


I'm concerned about the journaling overhead on our exchange server, so if there is a way of moving that overhead somewhere else I'd be quite keen to persue it. I just can't understand how you'd actually do this without actually enabling Exchange journaling,  you surely have to incur some overhead at the exchange level?


Any help would be much appreciated




Level 4


I think I understand your question. I think what those people may be talking about is the destination of the journalled email.  So you can turn on journalling in Exchange but then need to decide where that email goes to.  Some put the journal mailbox on exchange server it is journalling, some create a journalling only exchange server which received all the journal emails and then ev just archived from that particular server.


So we are still talking about enabling journalling but then it's a question of where the journal email goes to. 


is that what you were asking?


Level 4



Thanks for the response,  that pretty much answers it and confirms my thoughts.


I'd heard this from Symantec Pre-Sales and a customer and it sounded like to avoid the journaling overhead on exchange you could use EV to drive the journaling.  Maybe it is a case of Exchange journaling outputs to the EV Server,  is that what they possibly mean?? 


I'll obviously be speaking to Symantec professional services as part of our installation and be asking them about this as If I can remove the pressure on the exchange server I would rather pursue that option.


Cheers for the response



Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Yes, that's what they mean.


E-Mail -> Exchange Journaling -> EV Journaling


You can see the Exchange Journal as a "temporary storage".

Reason why you still need to have Exchange Journaling ist that only Exchange Journaling could generate a copy of every incoming/outgoing message.


EV then grabs the E-Mails from the Journaling Mailbox, and archives them, leaving no Shortcut.




cloudficient - EV Migration, creators of EVComplete.

Level 4

Hey MichelZ


Thanks for that,  that's how I always thought it worked,  people have just been confusing me by calling it something different everytime I speak to them.


Thanks for clearing that up

