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Merge or consolidate FSA archives on EV 8.0 sp2

Level 3
Partner Accredited
We have some issues with some archives which has been split into 3 different archives but with same names (different archive IDs).
This problem occured when the customer moved some of the directorieson their fileserver.
The Enterprise Vault version is 8.0 sp2

To fix this we need to merge these archives and we can achive this in different (but time consuming) ways.
We have found out that the easiest way is to use Archive Explorer and use the "Move to original location" and delete the archive when we have moved all of the items back to the file server
PS! We cant use the FSA utility since it is not taking into account the archive ID only the share/archive point which then would recall all the archives.
The problem we have is that the Archive Explorer only show 100 items pr page and with a few million items this would take forever.
I know we can edit/create a webapp.ini file and increase the (Federated) Search items shown, but this is only the max items shown pr search not pr page.

I found on this forum a symantec employee saying that this was hardcoded into the product but that was for EV 6.0
So in EV 8.0 sp2, is there a way to show more items pr page in Archive Explorer OR do it exists an application which could help us ?
(We need to recall a archive based on the archive ID as the source)

Any help would be appreciated

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
The easiest way to do this is to export the archives to .PST then create a new archive assign the archive to the user and the import the .PST's back into the new archive then delete the old ones

You can do this through the VAC not archive exporer so you export the full contents in one go not 100 or 1000 items at a time

Level 5
Employee Accredited
If you want to be selective, perhaps you could use http;//evservername/enterprisevault/search.asp?advanced=3 and you should be able to export to PST.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
Agreed but it soulds like a complete merger is whats they want thats why i suggested the export and import from the VAC

Level 3
Partner Accredited
So its no problem exporting a file archive to a .PST and then import it back to another archive and still retain its folder structure ?


Level 3
Partner Accredited
When using this option you only have the option to restore to a exchange server or mailbox. So no restore for a filearchive :(

This is a reply to PJuster's post
