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Most Annoying Feature

Level 6

In our organisation we have a number of support staff that have the EV Administration Console install on there Desktops - when we upgrade a version and deploy a new EV Client to all the pC in the organisation anyone that has the Admin console installed gets and error syaing that a client can not be installed on top of a server installation.

Can anything be done about this or is there a work around as this can be very annoying.

Many thanks


Level 4
I haven't tried this, but have you tried also to upgrade the EV Admin console on the PCs?

If this doesn't work, you could try to temporary uninstall the admin console till you deploy the Outlook add-on.

Please let us know if it worked.
Br, Olivian

Level 6

It is being looked into at the moment, can you post some details of scenarios where you are encountering this?  Is it when you have say the 8 SP 1 VAC installed, and you push out the 8 SP 2 client?

Have you already logged a support case on this?

Working for

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
I had this on my test system Rob when I upgraded the client to SP2 and the SP1 VAC was on there yes. I was going to etrack it but it slipped my mind!!! I did uninstall the VAC installed the client and reinstalkled the VAC in my case

Level 6
After a long debate, currently the VAC and the EV Addin on the same machine isn't 100% supported.  This is because of the many dependencies on the same DLL's.  So if you move the client from 8 SP 2 (build 1693) and the VAC on 8 SP 2 (build 1693) and the client goes to say build 1713 you're sort of stuck.  This is because there isn't a combination of installation that keeps everything at the right versions, so you end up left with the client blocking the install (if you try to install it after the VAC - that's been the case since back in EV 6) or if you install the client first then the VAC installation complains that a DLL is a of a later version.

This is something that I'm going to Etrack after discussion with the QA and Build teams, however, that doesn't mean it will progress quickly to resolution, just that it's "in the mix".

In the meantime I think the way forward is that the configuration is at the very least partially working.  If you have everything at say 8 SP 2, then it works.  (You install the client first, then the server).  If you then want to upgrade to (say) 8 SP 3, when it becomes available, unfortunately at the moment, you have to uninstall both components and reinstall them.  (Not very "pretty", but it will work).

Hope that makes sense,
Working for

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
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cloudficient - EV Migration, creators of EVComplete.