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Moving database from one sql server to another

Level 5
I am moving the databases from one sql server to another, i am followinf tech note 273272 but when i try to start the VAC to change the SQL server name, it will not connect to the EV server. Now i'm no SQL DB but i think i've made sure the Vault service acct has correct permissions, does any one have any ideas where i should be looking

Level 6
IF you followed the steps, you should not have to enter the SQL server as this should have been done in

For the EV Directory database (if there are multiple EV servers, complete on each EV server while all EV services are stopped) :

1. On each EV server click Start/Run and type in regedit.
2. Navigate to HKLM\Software\KVS\Enterprise Vault\Directory\Directory Service. Double click the SQLServer Name string value.
3. Enter the name of the new SQL server in the value data field and click OK.
4. Start the Directory Service (this will also start the EV Admin Service)

Check the event logs - will prob be logging an error. Ensure all the services are running too.

Level 5
Thax, So what is the difference between the 2 ways to modify the SQl server location?
I'm moving all the databases, including the EV directory Database and the EV store, i assume therefor i need to carryout both change of sql server locations

Level 6
When u norm first start the VAC it will ask you for the server. When you exit and save the changes, this writes to the registry - hence the part in the technote....

Level 5
Found lots of app errors in event log, all like this, have you ever come accross this before
Event Type: Error
Event Source: DCOM
Event Category: None
Event ID: 10016
Date:  3/22/2008
Time:  4:35:07 PM
User:  TTPGROUP\evadmin
Computer: MORCADES
The application-specific permission settings do not grant Remote Launch permission for the COM Server application with CLSID
 to the user TTPGROUP\EVAdmin SID (S-1-5-21-1547161642-854245398-682003330-6166).  This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Level 5
The technote says change the server name in the reg first to the new server name, THEN it asks you to open up the VACand change it in there, this is where i'm having probs, it says it cant connect to the ent vault dir on the vault server, check it is avauable and running etc...

Level 6
There appears to be some DCOM permissions missing. MS Article -

Level 5
Thx Mark
I'm not going nuts then...

Level 5
Back to the drawing board, neither of the methods fixed the problem, i've got this weekend to fix this otherwise i have to get it back to the other server for tues am.
FYI old server is a SQL2000 ver new one is SQL2005 i dont know if it matters (i'm from the unis days) someone named the new server with a hyphen - in the name, whereas the old server is one word..
Anyone else care to jump in please feel free.

Level 5
I changed the sql server BACK to the original name and attached the databases back to the old SQL server, this then allowed me to restart the VAC which it did, unfortunately connected to the wrong server..
if i r mouse click the Enterprise Vault tree structure i get the option to change the sql server, apparently this does exactly the same thing as editing the KVS reg manually.
now when i try this , it says 1, it cant find the server , 2, the permissions are not set up correctly or 3, the EntVaultDir does not exist,
1 and 2 exist so i reckon the permissions are not quite right, as i said before i'm no DBA so can any give me a walk through what permissions are need etc,

Level 5
Technote 273272 states the following
* Use the same database names
* Make sure the Vault service account has permission to modify all Enterprise Vault Databases - DBO access is needed
* Make sure the Vault Service account has local administrator rights on the new SQL Server
Now i have used the same DB names, and have given the Vault service account local admin rights. Can someone go through exactly what is required to acheive the other one, it is on a SQL2005 install,

Level 6

I think you would be better logging a call with support. Also I was off over th EAster break hence the late reply