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OWA 2003 Extensions???

Level 3
Hope someone can help with this one...I have recently upgarded my Exchange org to 2003. The first server I upgraded was the Front End server we use for OWA. All back end servers were Exchange 200 and the EV extensions were working perfectly. All enabled mailboxes could retrieve archived files via OWA or Desktop Outlook.
However, I have just instaleld the first Exchange 2003 BackEnd server and I'm having soem problems. At present, i only have my mailbox on this new server, but i can't access any archievd mail via OWA. Outlook is fine, just OWA. I have gone through the steps in the Install & config guide and I have done everything it said. When i try to acess one of the archived messages I get either:
A Blank page
An error message with "the remote server returned an Error: (404) Not Found
Or a pop up logon box to enter credentials for the archived message.
I'm takign an eduacvted guess that it is a permissiosn problem. But i have follwoed the steps exactly and can't see what is wrong. This is driving me insane!!!!!

Level 6
So you reran the EV setup and installed the OWA for Exchange 2003 extensions? It's a different setup for Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2003. If you have not done that then that's what you need to do.

Install the Exchange 2003 extensions follow the install and config guide and I would guess that should fix your problems.

Level 3
Went through the config guide step by step. Maybe i missed something, I don't know but when I installed it, I double checked everything. That's what is puzzling me, I definately ran the Exchange 2003 setup, definately for a backend server and all the follow up steps. I'm going to uninstall all EV components on the new Exchange server and re-install. I must have missed something.....

Level 6
Are the Exchange 2003 servers, brand new servers? Did you allow them access to the enterprisevault virtual directory on your EV server?

Level 3
It's a new Backend Exchange 2003 server. The front end server has been in for a while. If you mean adding the name of the new back end server into the allowed IP addresses, then yes, that has been done. I've even tried it with allow all on the EV virtual directory on the EV server, no difference.
I have un-installed and re-installed, re-ran the Backend2003 script and there is an error during the running. Can't find any info on it anywhere though. The output is:

Configuring public folder information stores...
Configuring public folder information store: Public Folder Store (MLHNT25)
ERROR: ADO connection error: -2146105340
ERROR: Failed to make ADO connection to: http://%BACKENDEXCHSRVR%/exadmin/admin/

(%BACKENDEXCHSRVR% being the substituted name for the first backend exchange 2003 server).

Maybe this will shed some more light....

Level 6
Ok, sometimes you get these ADO errors when your email address domain is different from your login domain. Try registering the forms manually with this command.

Cscript backend2003setup.wsf /

You need to be in a command prompt and in the folder where that script is installed. Usually it's c:\program files\enterprise vault\OWA

Where is says dnsdomain use your SMTP domain, so for example if your email is, type in

Level 3
gave this a go along with some other switches which are available and the config script seemed to run without any errors, but still can't view archives via Outlook Web Access. I am sure this is a permission error in IIS soemwhere but everything appears to be fine. I checke the event log on the EV seerver and this is in the app log:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Active Server Pages
Event Category: None
Event ID: 22
Date: 21/04/2006
Time: 07:44:19
User: N/A
Failed to impersonate the Anonymous User for ASP Application /LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/EnterpriseVault. Global.ASA OnEnd routines will not be executed.

Seems to suggest a rights problem, but i can't for thelife of me see where!

Level 6
Check the anonymous user account, make sure the passwords are set correctly. Check the EV Server to check you are specifying the correct anonymous account.

Level 3
Checked all my usernames in IIS, all seemed fine. However, to double check, reset the password for the account I was using and re-ran the OWAUser.wsf script on the archiving server.

Synchronised all archiving tasks and restarted the admin service, still the same error. "The Remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found".

Strange thing is, error message changes depending upon where exactly in the Yellow, archiving preview link box I click! If I click exactly on the part which says "click here to preview original item", I get a windows logon box, I enter in my details and I get a standard HTML page cannot be not found" page. But if I click anywhere else, I get a windows pop up error message (as mentioned above).

I've logged a call with Symantec now, had one reply asking me to send some logs to them, did this two weeks ago but still waiting. Hopefully this can be sorted. Currently holding up my entire Exchange 2003 roll out.

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
OWA cases can be a pain to work because what works in one environment may not work in another. If it has been that long since you have heard back, ring up support and tell them you want to speak to the Duty Manager. The DM will be able to raise the awareness of the case and hopefully get the correct resource assigned.

Level 3
Eventually got a response from Symantec support, but it was just another request to send some screenshots and some pretty basic areas to look at. I've responded to their requests within minutes and to be honest, even though we have paid for the support contract, I don't expect to get a resolution from them.

I am getting very close to scrapping the whole idea of having archived items being available via Outlook Web Access. But will be difficult to explain when I have highlighted the imporved OWA as one of the benfits when recommending the upgrade to Exchange 2003. Bummer!Message was edited by:
andrew Clure

Level 3
Hi Andrew,

I am having the same problem as you. Did you ever get it resolved. I know it was back in January so you must have this one figured out by now. Can you please help me a little.


Level 4

Try "cscript backend2003setup.wsf /"



Level 3
I had this problem, and resolved it (with Symantec support). I removed the Enterprise Vault Service Account (EVSVC) role on Exch2003, and gave explicit permissions on a per store basis on BE server. This resolved the issue.
Also: make sure that the new server is in the ExchangeServers.txt file on the EV server, and the EV server is in the intranet sites listing on the new Exch BE server.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
the first message that you state regarding the ADO error is against public folders so if you do not plan to archive from public folders then this can be ignored.
I have seen the event id 22 error before an dthis was down to group policy where the anonymous logon account (not OWA anon user but actual account called anonymous logon) had the deny access to this computer from the network user right so check that as well