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OWA 2k3 extensions install

Level 5

I've read thru the older posts here looking for my circumstance, but have a symptom that might help someone more experienced "zone in" on it:


EV 2007 SP4 (first-time extension install), Exch2k3 sp2, single backend server. Certificate installed but SSL is not required. (published via ISA 2004...but that's next!!)


The Exch2k3 installation part was done via login with full Exch admin rights.


after meticulously going thru the install steps, I'm left with the following issues in Vista sp1/IE7 and XP sp3/IE7 connecting via the corp network:

- HTTP connect shows navigation buttons for explorer and search but toolbar icons missing

- HTTPS connect doesn't show either navigation buttons or toolbar icons.

- mailbox policy has these two buttons/icons set to ON.


*** Note that all archived items show the vault icon and can be opened just fine via any type of connection ***


I'm hoping to be pointed to that top secret file that I can edit to straighten this out.


I have a case opened with support...


Thanks for any information. 


Footnote: I also am getting the ADO connection error pointing to the Public Folder SchemaURI folder. Problem is, public folders have been in use here for years. I have a PF policy setup but there are no targets. I surely hope that this isn't related to the above issue.




Level 3



you should consider rerunning the Backendsetup script again and use a different trigger. The ADO error is often a result when the domain name cannot be resolved (e.g. different domain name).


Rename your Backendxxx.log and rerun the script using the following syntax:

Backend2003setup.wsf  /formregdomain: <> 

Enter your SMTP Domainname of the Systemmailbox instead of

Then the script should copy everything again, only with warnings, as you already installed the extensions before (consider to uninstall and reinstall them)


Is the Proxy Bypass-List correct ? Review your settings and save them in Unicode. If there are further errors, please post your Backendsetup.log.




Level 5

I appreciate the reply. I am making progress. I'd seen the "/formregdomain" thread, but it didn't sink in.


My bypass list was "questionable" beforehand, and had a bunch of "?????" as one entry? I'm assuming it's because I'd neglected to save exchangeserver.txt as unicode. I did that, reran the setup, and the folder error disappeared and the bypass list now looks "normal".


I resynched...and saw that the nav buttons were present with no text labels??? Toolbar icons were still missing.


I found article #284060 and am gonna have a go at uninstalling and re-doing the thing.


Great fun!!!

Level 5

as a followup...


-the uninstall went fine, although i didn't have anything showing under add/remove programs


I <very slowly> went back thru the extensions installation:

- using the /formregdomain cleared up my public folders (ADO) error

- proxycfg looks clean now - previously had a row of "????" in the key. ALSO, DON'T SAVE EXCHANGESERVERS.TXT AS UNICODE...owauser.wsf don't like it!!

- i now have a Symantec EV entry in add/remove programs

- a consistency has been exhibited: namely, I can see the two nav buttons on HTTP, HTTPS (and even via ISA), but still no toolbar icons.


Other than the /formregdomain switch, the only thing I conciously did different this time was copy the SP4 install folder to the Exchange server instead of connecting via \\<server>\c$.


So, since it appears that the extensions are installed okay, I'm off to experiment with the OWA Policy settings to try and figure out why I only see half of what I intended.



Level 5

Final analysis:


First...I did go to Symantec training...promise.


The Explorer and Search items DON'T show on the toolbar!! My lab had all the "other" icons, so I assumed...and you know what they say about assuming.


Anyway, it was sort of like changing out the heater-core-element in a 1982 Mercury Capri...after six hours (for a $20 part), you feel sort of intimate with the thing!!!


I'm passing all this along in hopes that someone might (a) benefit or (b) find humor!!!



Level 4

Hi Bobby.

Not sure I follow - and I am having the same problem.

- HTTP connect shows navigation buttons for explorer and search but toolbar icons missing

- HTTPS connect doesn't show either navigation buttons or toolbar icons.


How did you resolve this?  I have users connecting to the OWA server through a SSL they are forced to 443 (secure) only...



Level 5

Boy, I might be the wrong person to ask, but here goes:


-The archive explorer and search buttons don't have toolbar counterparts!!! I "proved" this by turning on the Cancel icon and showed up. I read and re-read the descrition in the Policy-->Advanced screen, and it does not say icons. I assumed that since the fat-client had icons, the web-client would too.


As for the HTTP vs HTTPS issue, I did run into this. When this was happening, I had gotten the ADO error when I ran backend2003setup.wsf about a connection error to a public folder schemaURI. We do have public folders. If you refer to Nitebreed's message above, the following cleared that up:


Backend2003setup.wsf  /formregdomain: <> 

Enter your SMTP Domainname of the Systemmailbox instead of


I'm assuming that made the difference since our AD domain is different than our email domain.


Unfortunately, after the *fix*, there were still "discrepancies". Namely, my navigation buttons had no text labels!!!! I still had to go thru the removal steps and then started over with the extensions installation...and the 2nd time it worked.


Now, just prior to the reinstall, I used the proxycfg command on the exchange server and there were a bunch of ?????????? as one of the entries. I peeked into the registry entry and sure enough, they were there. I tried manually correcting it, but it made no difference.


Going thru the removal process and then the reinstall process cleared it up for me. This is the document that I followed for the removal:


Just remember: evservers.txt IS unicode, exchangeservers.txt is NOT!!!!


So, I'm not at all sure exactly what was sideways on the first go-round. I guess the ADO error had something to do with registering forms, but I'm not sure what caused the funky proxycfg (bypass list).


Feel free to follow up, and I'll check in tomorrow when I'm in front of all my docs. 


Message Edited by bobby hilliard on 10-16-2008 08:23 PM

Level 3

Hi there,


just some more informations for you:


- The Archive Explorer and Search functionality in OWA is not a toolbar button like in outlook. I'm not sure what kind of browser you are using, as Firefox is not showing anything on the sidebar in OWA, but if you use IE, you will see the ArchiveExplorer and SearchArchive on the sidebar.


-if you encounter the ADO error, it is slightly possible, that the registration of scripts/forms for all storage groups etc is not successfully completed. Therefore the best procedure is to uninstall and freshly re-install the OWA extensions. 


- if you use the incorrect proxy-bypass list (saving the EVServers as unicode (sorry, forgot about the exchangeservers.txt which is true to be ANSI) is mandatory), this will result in OWA not knowing any EVServer. If you find a lot of ???? in the list, you usually used the wrong format.

You can also change taht, using the proxycfg.exe tool. Please read here:



