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Random PST's not migrating

Level 3
I have 4 PST's this morning that would not migrate.  They show as Migration Failed, and when I look at the failure text, it reads as follows...
PST migration of \\FILESERVER\H$\homebase\user\filename.pst: Error 0x80004005
In the PST_Mig_Task log, I get the following...
** 2/29/2008 9:18:12 AM Could not get PST migration status of PST \\FILESERVER\H$\homebase\user\filename.pst: The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA) **
I don't see anything special at all about any of the 4 that are failing, they range in size from 500mb to 1.5gb, created dates are not even close to each other, no passwords, and the PST file works fine when added to Outlook.  I'm sure there is more information needed so just let me know your thoughts.

Level 3
Any thoughts on this?  I've got a ticket open with support, and on their recommendation, I ran scanpst against one of the files in question.  It reported errors, repaired them, and then I tried to copy and migrate again, and got the same errors.
I am holding off on my rollout because of this problem, would like to get the fix nailed down so if it pops up again, I can fix and move on.

Level 3
Wow, have I stumped everyone?  I've got a Symantec engineer on the problem too, and he can't seem to nail it down.  Maybe this bit of info will help someone here.
The problem appears to be intermittent.  After several attempts at one of the failed PST's, it finally worked, and nothing was done differently, just the keep trying approach.
We have another that is failing, same errors, and a dtrace log only shows the same RPC errors that were in the other logs.  We tried copying the problem PST from the file server share to the local EV server, and running the migration again, same errors, same failure.  Symantec is looking over event logs now, but does this trigger any ideas for anyone?
 - HJ

Level 6

Hi. I am seeing the same issues.


We have one central SQL server used by all EV servers. The SQL is in Switzerland and the EV servers are all over the place.


The particular EV server that always fails to migrate PSTs with error 0x80004005 is on an island in the Caribbean (however there is another EV server on another Caribbean island that doesn't seem to have this problem at least yet).


It usually migrates PSTs successfully after a number of retries.

Level 5
Partner Accredited

can you check the logfiles for more infos on this error:



Message Edited by A Zürcher on 02-02-2009 06:19 AM

Level 6


no mention of error 0x80004005 in these logs

Level 3
Partner Accredited

assuming you are doing server-driven you have a dektop firewall enabled?  If so, you might want to trying unblocking TCP port 135 which is used by RPC.


Level 6

sorry, this is beyond the workstation


The PSTs have already been collected and the EV server is working on their copies that are residing on the EV server's local disk. That's when the error occurs.

Level 5
Partner Accredited

sorry: does it mention "Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA" in the logs?

Is Outlook installed in cached mode on the EV server?

Message Edited by A Zürcher on 02-03-2009 04:11 AM

Level 6
negative on both counts