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Strange behaviour from attachments

Level 3
Hello Folks
A small number of our users are experiencing some abnormal behaviour when searching their vaults via the search vault icon from outlook. I have given a brief overview below and would appreciate any advice regarding this before I raise a support call. It may be that I am missing something simple as I have only a limited experience of the product. any advice would be very much appreciated.
Servers=Windows 2003
Exchange 2003 SP1
Clients=XP Pro V2002 SP1
Outlook 2002 SP3
Evault 7.0 SP2
We have a number of users who when searching their vault, using the search vault button from outlook, have a number of anomalous items returned. These are items shown with a large paperclip icon next to them (attachment) and have an abnormal size reported as follows; (n1K of n2K). When trying to open the item an error message reports "Outlook cannot open this message, A newer version, such as Outlook 2003 or later is required to open this message,"
These items appear to be copies of attached mails within other mails, as above the anomalous items exist the original mail and attachment displayed correctly (envelope and small paperclip). The size of these mails always match the n2K size displayed for the offending items,and the subject information for the attached mail matches the subject matter for the anomalous items. These items and the attachments open without error,
They have created new mails in their own outlook profile, attached them to a new mail created in their own profile and sent them to me and themselves. Once archived these new mails produce the same error as above.
Using a different workstation has not resolved the problem, and a profile refresh has no effect.
A number of the anomalous attachments are items other than mail items such as .doc, .xls and so on, these items open in their respective applications with no problem. I have been unable to replicate this problem for myself.

Level 6
Outlook 2002 is not supported. Here is a link to the compatibility guide.
Jim S.

Level 3
Hi Jim
On checking the compatibility guide, it states that supported clients include 2002 SP1 SP2 and SP3.
It does state that 2002 is not supported on the server, but here we are using Outlook 2003.

Level 6
You are correct!