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The following providers do not implement fast shutdown APIs ... EVMSP.DLL

Level 4


I've seen this event logged quite a few times but havn't really bothered to followup on it until today...

  Event ID : 50
  Source : Outlook
  The following providers do not implement fast shutdown APIs, but are being shut down using fast shutdown:
  EVMSP.DLL (MAPI Store Provider)

Comments / questions:

- I did a search in the file system and EVMSP.DLL does not even exist (so why is an event getting logged about it?)
- I can see that EVMSP32.dll is present tho ("C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\EVClient\EVMSP32.dll)
- Is this event text "incorrect" and actually relating to EVMSP32.dll ?
- What does the "fast shutdown" stuff actually mean?


Other info / background

When this happened to me today, Outlook did indeed appear to be "stuck" shutting down - showing a grey Outlook icon in system tray with tool tip of "Outlook is closing" (I had to kill the Outlook process in the end)

On restart of Outlook, I got :

"Outlook experienced a serious problem with the 'enterprise vault add-in' add-in. If you have seen this message multiple times, you should disable this add-in and check to see if an update is avaialble. Do you want to disale this add-in"

Vault log showed errors retrieving items (which were very likley due to back-end issues)


  A COM error occurred: 0x80040205
  EVMSP: <Inbox> [Common::GetFullItem] Failed to obtain message from the CC: A COM error exception has been caught:80040205

Things are working fine now, so my main query is about - what appears to be - the "invalid" DLL name


Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

i don't believe it does, and they should support it at least to the point where it doesn't throw errors, and will it? who knows
You'd be best contacting symc support directly

View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
Fast shutdown was a feature that ms added to a hotfix for outlook 2007 and later and can be controlled via reg key, it was due to the fact that outlook was just slow to shutdown and many times you'd have to end task it But really if you can turn it off, I would as I've seen a number of issues with the VC becoming unstable

Level 4



1) what about EVMSP.DLL tho - why does the event refer to a .dll which dosn't exist?

2) does vault properly support "Fast Shutdown" (assuming it even needs to?)

I just found a good link about this - "Shutdown Changes for Outlook 2010" and ostensibly it sounds like "a good thing" and something we would want to benefit fromb (i.e. would not want to disable)

Relevent quotes from the article:

"The goal in Outlook 2010 is to ensure that it shuts down quickly and consistently"
"In ....Outlook 2010 ... the design was modified in such a way that MAPI providers implement the IMAPIProviderShutdown : IUnknown interface to perform timely and necessary steps. Those steps prevent data loss that can result when the client disconnects external references before the client exits.

The fast-shutdown mechanism is now the default for all MAPI providers except for those that explicitly opt out by returning MAPI_E_NO_SUPPORT to the IMAPIProviderShutdown::QueryFastShutdown method. Even if a MAPI provider does not implement the IMAPIProviderShutdown interface, Outlook 2010 still uses the fast-shutdown mechanism. For more information about the MAPI client and the provider fast-shutdown mechanism, see Client Shutdown in MAPI.

These changes for external COM add-ins and MAPI providers have done a lot to ensure that Outlook always shuts down, and does so quickly, as the user intends. However, some Outlook in-process add-ins carry out processor-intensive operations and network I/O during shutdown events. Because of their impact on the perceived performance of Outlook, Outlook 2010 includes a fast-shutdown model for in-process add-ins that further improves the shutdown behavior in Outlook 

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

really you should probably contact symc support if you're seeing this a lot because it would need to be a code change if it doesn't exist there already, if it does exist, then theres something else going on that needs to be addressed.

As for the EVMSP.DLL, its weird i'll grant you that, but if you actually look thats by default in the mapisvc.inf and the registry settings that this gets set when you register the EVMSP32.DLL, so weird granted but completely normal.

Level 6

Unless I missed it already ...  which exact version of Outlook Addin are you running?  Is it the latest hotfix in :



Working for

Level 4

I'm running the add-in.

I can try it with the latest

Do you know if the latest changed anything to do with tho?

- The reference to EVMSP.DLL as opposed to EVMSP32.dll
- support for "fast shutdown"?

Best regards

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

the reference to EVMSP.DLL is normal, its a red herring, don't worry about it

Level 4

I can see what you're saying, I'm listing here primarily for Symantec's benefit

"Ideally" events should be relevent / meaningfull

If this .dll is no longer used, this should be listed as a "known bug" and at some point this should be updated to contain a valid referernce.


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

well really the error being thrown is by outlook, not by EV, though it is probably relevant that it's saying that fast shutdown isn't supported.
As for the filename, seriously don't worry about it, looking in to it more its referencing a MAPI provider programatically, this doesn't have to equate to a physical DLL name

For instance they could have called EVMSP32.DLL something like VirtualVault.dll and named the provider "SantaClause"
And then you'd have something like


So the naming in the MapiSVC.inf is completely irrelevent, the only part that is is the need to support fast shutdown

Level 4

re:  "the only part that is is the need to support fast shutdown"
> and does it ? / should it / will it?

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

i don't believe it does, and they should support it at least to the point where it doesn't throw errors, and will it? who knows
You'd be best contacting symc support directly

Level 6

Looks like (could be wrong, it's late in the day, I've been on training, and 15 more caveats) that support for fast shutdown was completed in the EV 10 Outlook Addin.


So, as a first port of call, I'd try that.. and see if the errors go away.  [and it would be good to know how to repro it]


Then it might be worth contacting support to question whether or not it'll be added to 9.0.3 or 9.0.4... or, if you fill in the blanks with regards to EV 10 testing, I'll ask.

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