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original size when unarchived

Level 5

I have looked at:

This points to two SQL queries in:

If I use the second query:


SELECT A.ArchiveName, 
       COUNT(S.IdTransaction) "Num. Items Archived",
       SUM(S.ItemSize)/1024 "Archived Items Size (MB)",
       SUM(SP.OriginalSize)/1024/1024 "Original Email Size (MB)"
FROM   EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.Archive A,
       EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.Root R,
       yourVaultStoreDB.dbo.ArchivePoint AP,
       yourVaultStoreDB.dbo.Saveset S,
       yourVaultStoreDB.dbo.SavesetProperty SP
WHERE  S.SavesetIdentity = SP.SavesetIdentity
  AND  S.ArchivePointIdentity = AP.ArchivePointIdentity
  AND  AP.ArchivePointId = R.VaultEntryId
  AND  R.RootIdentity = A.RootIdentity
  AND  A.ArchiveName = 'your User'
GROUP BY A.ArchiveName

I says for my account:

Archived Items 1107MB

Original Email size 1095

If I look in Exchange System Manager (Exchange Server 2003), it says: 155,805MB


I don't get these figures. I can't see why the Archived Items amount is larger than the original size and also it doesn't match the size Exchange is telling me. 

In short; I would like to have a report that gives me the archived size in EV(so 'compressed') and what size it would take if we would export all EV archives to their original mailboxes. 


Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

just to add to this, if you have a simple item that says something like
"Hello", well theres not much there in that email message, but EV still has to convert it to html, add a bunch of user properties etc etc and that DVS file can be somewhat larger than the original email, because the original email won't have all of these EV Properties


The space savings really come from attachments as opposed to just a couple of lines of text

View solution in original post


Level 5

The version of EV is 9.0.3

Level 6

Information in Exchange System Manager is notoriously inaccurate.


The original size can be smaller or larger than the archived size because sometimes the shortcut to an item is actually a few KB bigger than the item it is replacing (it's why sometimes items aren't archived below a certain size)

Working for

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

just to add to this, if you have a simple item that says something like
"Hello", well theres not much there in that email message, but EV still has to convert it to html, add a bunch of user properties etc etc and that DVS file can be somewhat larger than the original email, because the original email won't have all of these EV Properties


The space savings really come from attachments as opposed to just a couple of lines of text