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How to safely decommission 5220 media server applaince running with NBU version 7.7.3

Level 3

How to safely decomission 5220 media server applaince running with NBU version 7.7.3 by replacing RHEL media server and keeping same hostname.
Also do I need to take care any other step during decommsion for having UNRESTRICTED_SHARING_GROUP set to all medias.  we are backing up everythign to tapes ,eventhough disk is configured.


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified


Any reason for wanting to keep the same hostname? Do you think it will be an issue updating the clients with the new RHEL media server's name?

I prefer to decommmission and create a new server with a new name. That way if something is pointing to the OLD name, and giving errors you know its becuase of the OLD server. If you've kept the name the same, then it gets a bit tricky.

A part of decommissioning using nbdecommission is moving all images to a different server anyways, so once again, no reason or option to keep the same name. 

Are you going to create a new MSDP pool to replace what the appliance had? 

I really think maintaining the name could cause unwanted issues. Media servers are like the ESX hosts in VMware, they are fairly easily replacable as opposed to the Master (vCenter). If that analogy makes sense.


Hi Riaan,

Thanks for your help, yes we don't want to disturb the client bp.conf entries for 300 servers.

The current setup is very much simple , we don't use disk pools so no data in disk and all client backups to tape.

I am planning to completely decommsion the appliance and add new RHEL server with same name.

I am worried about  my restore,  for instance Client A used Media Server A to perform the backup and Tape owner is set to UNRESTRICTED_SHARING_GROUP , now when client A request for a restore can I do restore from Media Server B considering both media server are part of same Master

During decommsion do I need to take care on UNRESTRICTED_SHARING_GROUP



Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

I agree with @RiaanBadenhorst  - setting up a new media server with new name and completely decommission the old server is the safest.

You do not need to update 300 clients one-by-one - simply run add_media_server_on_clients on the master to sync the master's SERVER list with ALL clients (master server needs connectivity to all clients). 

If you really want to keep the hostname, then you firstly need to decommission MSDP pool for the 5220: 
Steps to remove NetBackup Media Server Deduplication Pool (MSDP) configuration from a NetBackup environment

You can then follow these steps to move tape to the new media server:
How to replace the server hardware for a NetBackup media server without completely decommissioning the media server

I believe that I have explained how UNRESTRICTED_SHARING_GROUP works in your other post

Thanks for your detailed explanation.

we are planning to keep the same hostname , reason is we are using many  number of legacy clients like solaris 7,8,9 and windows 2003, HP-UX so don't want to disturb those clients.

Also we are not backing up any data to disk pools, all clients are backing up to tape storage and  we are good to delete those diskpools as it contains no data.

Regarding the below link

I am planning to completely decomssion the media server and planning to add new RHEL server with the same name.

My only concern is about restore as I am chaning the hardware will there be an issue during the future restore? During the restore process master will look out for the media server that was used while performing the backup , once I completely decommission media server and repalce with new hardware and same name , will my master treat the media server the same way as the decommissioned one.

Also do I need to take care anything about UNRESTRICTED_SHARING_GROUP as I will be completely decommission the media server?

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified


Your new media server will have the same hostname, therefore NBU master server will send the restore instruction to the new server with that (same) hostname. 

.....   once I completely decommission media server and replace with new hardware and same name , will my master treat the media server the same way as the decommissioned one.

The answer is YES. 

Once you have a new media server with the same hostname, the media server is no longer 'completely decommissioned'. 

When you deactiviate (set_admin_pause ) during step 1, NBU master will not attempt to use that media server hostname for backup or restores.

When you reactivate the media server (new hardware, same hostname) during step 8, NBU will treat this media server the same as previously.
NBU on the master server does not know or need to know that this is a physically different server.

The only step left to do is step 9 - reconfigure the devices, as devices paths will be different. Check STU config to confirm that all properties are still correct.

Step 10 - test backups and restores - will confirm that NBU master is using the media server exactly the same as before. 

Hi Marianne,

Thanks for your reply, I am going with complete decommission of media server as it's an appliance media server and adding back the new RHEL with the same name,  Thanks again for all your help

Hi Marianne,

Are we still require to use below command before decommissiong media server , as we already appending 

FORCE_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVER option in bp.conf  and also media owner is set to unrestricted_sharing_Group

bpmedia -movedb -allvolumes -oldserver <old_server> -newserver <new_server>

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

@chethan2365 if you are keeping the same hostname for new media server, then NONE of the above will be necessary.

Why would you want to run bpmedia -movedb when oldserver and newserver are the same hostname?

You need to look at this differently - you are merely replacing media server hardware. 
You are NOT decommissioning the media server.
Decommissioning is where you completely remove Media-A from the environment and you need to remove all references to hostname Media-A.

Once again  - You can follow these steps to move tape drives to the new media server with the same hostname:
How to replace the server hardware for a NetBackup media server without completely decommissioning the media server

Just remember to completely remove advanced disk and MSDP associated with Media-A, even if those STUs are not in use. 

The reference to FORCE_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVER and FAILOVER_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVER  was in answer to your query about restore while Media_A is down.

Thank you so much Marianne. I have two questions on the same please.

1. As I am planning to completely decommmision aplliance media server and adding back the new media server with same name. Do i need to delete all the alias names.

2. Once I completely decommission the media server , should I need to edit bp.conf by deleting the media server entry.