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BMR on Solaris 10 x86

Level 2



I just installed an NBU 6.5 server on Solaris 10 x86 only to find out that BMR functionality isn't available on this platform. Well, I could have found out earlier with the compatibility matrix but now it's to late and the backup machine is set.


Any hints that the BMR functionality is in the works with an early release?


Or should I go out and buy a SPARC machine to accomodate the task?






Level 5



From what I hear, the BMR Master server support for Sol10x64 is expected in 6.5.4 (which I guess is someimte in apr-may-june'09) while the client support for this platform is not yet planned.

Try contacting their support for more information.





p.s.:A bit off topic, but if you were to buy a SPARC (Sun4U compatible and not Sun4V) machine for production ("not much load", read: cheap  Man Wink), which model would you recommend? I am searching for an appropriate one for my work. Recently we tried a T1000, but it turned out to be a Sun4V, which is not what we need.

Level 2



Well, I had a quick look at Suns products and I must say that it's not easy today to get a reasonable priced SPARC powered machine.


The new CoolThreads design may have it's advantages in some applications.


So, it seems that I am not forced to buy a SPARC machine (we will probably do without BMR), but if I had to I would have a closer look at a Netra 210. It's not really on the cheap side but comparable in some configurations to a T1000 config. So if you can spend between 3.500,- and 5.000,- bucks, this could be an appropriate machine. 


I can only suggest to read the NetBackup 6.5 Backup Planning and Performance Tuning Guide (updated October 1, 2008) which is what I am doing.






Message Edited by os_guru on 01-08-2009 11:46 AM

Level 2
Hi - I too missed this little gem and have two X4500s - not cheap - and only discovered BMR was incompatible when I tried to install it.

Does anyone know when the 1st compatibility matrix appeared with this info in?
Symantec supplied one from Feb 2009.

Also has anyone tried to create a standard boot/jumpstart server service within their x86 master/media server to do the OS restore task if required as a temp workaround?


Level 2
FYI: BMR from a master server on Solaris 8, 9, 10 on x86 will not be included in 6.5.4 nor will Symantec do so in any future release.

Level 5
Hi Letih,

I happen to have one pdf from March'08 and that does not say that BMR is supported on Solaris-x64. (its the older version of the new one available at:
And I remember the earlier versions of the document too clearly mentioning that BMR is not supported on Solaris-x64.

Now, regarding:
>>BMR from a master server on Solaris 8, 9, 10 on x86 will not be included in 6.5.4 >>nor will Symantec do so in any future release.
May I please ask where you got this information from?
Because I am very sure that BMR is supporting their master server on Solarisx64 in 6.5.4 and that client/boot server support too will most likely be available in the next major release.
