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Back up error

Level 4

Hi All

4/18/2015 1:45:29 AM - mounted; mount time: 00:01:21
4/18/2015 1:45:29 AM - positioning 0031L3 to file 1
4/18/2015 1:45:33 AM - positioned 0031L3; position time: 00:00:04
4/18/2015 5:30:57 AM - Error bpbrm(pid=2032) from client ERR - failure reading file: D:\TUI\WebProjects\32_Phoenix_Book\StateB\FNCOW_IMPLEMENTATION\ext-portaltech\commonwebitems\.svn\pristine\0c\0cc89fab8348d6ed3fc538120e4d1d34bcfa40b6.svn-base (WIN32 2: Unknown error)
4/18/2015 5:31:32 AM - Error bpbrm(pid=2032) from client ERR - Snapshot Error while reading file: GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy164\TUI\WebProjects\32_Phoenix_Book\StateB\FNCOW_IMPLEMENTATION\ext-portaltech\commonwebitems\.svn\pristine\0c\0cc89fab8348d6ed3fc538120e4d1d34bcfa40b6.svn-base
4/18/2015 5:31:32 AM - Critical bpbrm(pid=2032) from client FTL - Backup operation aborted!
4/18/2015 5:32:15 AM - end writing; write time: 05:53:05
snapshot error encountered(156)
4/18/2015 5:32:16 AM - Error bpsched(pid=3776) backup of client exited with status 156 (snapshot error encountered)

Frequently i am facing above error. I followed below link though some times i am getting same error. Kindly advise on this.


Accepted Solutions

Level 4

Hi all

I got resolve the issue. Back up happening smoothly now. If any issues i will come back.

Thanks for your support.

View solution in original post


Level 6
post up the bpfis log from the client

Level 6
Employee Accredited

Are there VSS writer issues showing in the Windows clients Event logs

bpfis log (from client) may also be useful (at verbose 5 please)


Partner    VIP    Certified

4/18/2015 5:32:16 AM - Error bpsched(pid=3776) backup of client exited with status 156 (snapshot error encountered)

it looks you are using netbackup version older than 6.X

what is the Netbackup verison on Master/media and clients?

what is the OS version of the client?

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

The post over here is for NBU 5.1:

Catlogback up error 

The OS version on the Client will depend on which Open File Backup option should be used for this client.

If this is NBU 5.1, see "Windows Open File Backup Properties" in NBU 5.1 Admin Guide I.
Select appropriate WOFB settings for this client.

(Hopefully this is NOT NBU 5.1 as per you previous post, as this version ran out of support 6 years ago....)

Level 4

Master NBU - 5.1

Master OS - WS 2003 R2

Clients NBU - 6.5.4

Client OS - WS 2008 R2

Note : I am not able find bpfis log file under C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\logs on client machine.

I have attached bpbkar log files of 17th and 18th

Kindly find client attributes and Vertitas service provider attachments from Admin console

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Master NBU - 5.1

Clients NBU - 6.5.4


This is NOT supported.

Client CANNOT be higher version than the master.

To backup W2008, you NEED to upgrade your master server.

As previously stated all versions of NBU 5.x and 6.x are no longer supported.

See latest OS SCL:

and Version Compatibility TN: 

Level 6

Could it be that this file is deleted during the backup ?

Thinking it is something checked out and in of the SVN system, there seems to be running on this client


The standard questions: Have you checked: 1) What has changed. 2) The manual 3) If there are any tech notes or VOX posts regarding the issue

Level 6
Employee Accredited

Marianne is hot on the trail I think - certainly I've seen snapshot issue when multiple different NBU versions are involved, and in this case, we've got a higher cllient level than master which is certainly not allowed.  Even worse, the master is 5.x and te clients 6.x

That will have to be sorted first, and then the issue reviewed if it remains, which I doubt as I suspect the mis-match is the cause.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

If we look at 5.x documentation, the default snapshot method is VSP. So, this is what NBU master will send to the client.

Also, W2008 R2 was not supported with NBU 6.5.4. Only as from 6.5.5.

NBU 7.1.0.x patches introduced lots of fixes and enhancements for W2008 SCC backups.

As long as you are on these unsupported versions of NBU, forget about WOFB. Simply disable it in Host Properties -> Master -> Client Attributes. Add/select the client name and disable snapshot backups for this client.

Level 4

Hi all

I got resolve the issue. Back up happening smoothly now. If any issues i will come back.

Thanks for your support.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Please try not to mark your own post as solution?

Unless nothing suggested by anyone has helped you and you solved the problem all by yourself. 
In that case, please tell us HOW the issue was resolved and then feel free to mark your own post as Solution. 

(Please have a look at your Private Messages.)

Level 4

Hi Marianne

Below is workaround to resolve my issue.

1. In Windows, right-click My Computer and select Manage
2. In the console tree, right-click Shared Folders, select All Tasks, and then Configure Shadow Copies
3. Select the volume on which to make changes, and then click the Settings button

4. In the Settings dialog box, change the Maximum Size setting to either No Limit or a size large enough to suit the requirements of the installation and usage of VSS

Note : As per policy back up starts at 9 PM at first stage it's giving 156 snapshot error. After that automatically it starts again and complete successfully. I don't no what logic here it is.