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Backup of EV9 with NBU 6.5

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified



This one is also posted in the EV forum, but to be sure to get an answer, I try here as well

Has anyone any script suggestions for backup of EV9 with NBU 6.5?

I have created the bpstart_notify.POLICY.bat and bpend_notify.POLICY.bat, and the backup works. The only think is that I (since I am no scripting guy) hasn't been able to output the IgnoreArchiveBit.txt trigger file. I also want to be sure that this file is only put in place after a successfull vault store backup.

Is there btw a way to put the SQL backup into the same job? as for now, I run Fingerprint in advance, and then continue with directory and vault store at the same time (approx) as the vault stores, shopping and index -locations.

No, It is no alternative (right now....) to upgrade the NBU system to 7.0 :)



Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

I can only respond to the following question:

Is there btw a way to put the SQL backup into the same job?

The only way to do this is to use the NBU for EV agent. As you already know - EV9 is only supported as from version 7.0.1.