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Backups at very slow rate

Level 5

Hi all,


My Master server is Win-2000 SP4, Netbackup : 5.0 MP3. I have around 25 clients both Unix and Windows clients, usual backup rate is 1500 KBps to 2000KBps on most of the clients, but only on few clients the backup speed is very slow as 150 KBps  so then the backup for this clients starts it takes long time because of low backup speed,


anyone has any idea why few (2) of my clients have slow writing/backup speed, how do i get right backup speed for this clients.







Level 4
You may want to check the network setting on the servers that are backing up slow.  I don't know what kind of network you have but if the speed and or duplex setting is wrong that could cause your problem.  I would say that those clients should at least be set at 100/mb and Full duplex.  Check that!

Level 3
 I agree that most often the duplex settings on the client or switch are the problem.  One other thing you might want to try is a simple file copy with ftp or scp.  This way you can eliminate NetBackup as the source of problem if the file copy is slow as well.

Level 6
other thing to check are the netbackup buffers under the client and the media servers.