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Compare Policies the should run vs. what did run

Level 4
Hi all,

First off thanks for all the help in the past.

We have recently moved from NB 5.0 MP3 to NB 6.0 MP2 and are having some various issues with policies that are not running as they are supposed to. The big problem is that there are policies that should have fired off, but they are not, and there is no error in the console. ARG!!!

Is there any way (besides manually checking the logs against our tons of policies) to verify that all policies that should have run on a specific day did in fact run? I wouldn't mind having to run a script of some sort (Windows), but going through the command list I didn't see anything that was obviously what I was looking for.

(P.S.) I did see the pempersist file thread ... I'll keep an eye on that as well (thanks)

Level 6
If you're running the bare MP2 (no modified binaries provided by Symantec), I HIGHLY recommend doing a bpdown (use bpps to ensure all of the services stopped), rename the PEMPERSIST file located at \NetBackup\bin\bpsched.d, then do a bpup. This is a huge bug in the code that will be fixed in MP3.

Also, you can dump a list of what NBU has scheduled to run by using the following command-line tool:

usage: nbpemreq -predict -date

Lastly, getting a dump of what should have fun vs. what did run, well that's a chore. I know someone here wrote a script to basically dump the clients, the images, and then compare the two with qgrep. Below are the two NBU commands that can be used to dump the info needed:

bpimagelist.exe -idonly -hoursago -policy

Hope this helps! It might be easier to get the updated binaries by calling support. ;)


Level 4
Thanks for that ...

I'll try and see if I can find the script you were talking about. I'm planning on getting ahold of support, just need to track down the contract information.

The replacement binaries I assume aren't going to give us any trouble if/when we upgrade to MP3?

Thanks again!

Level 6
From my understanding, these are the same binaries (or very similar) that are to be released with MP3. In either case, they'll replace what they need in the MP3 upgrade.

Level 4
Just a quick followup on this - according to support, this fix is not slated to be taken care of until MP5 ... not MP3.

Level 6
please see Chuck Stevens post

Level 4
I have had somthing very similar in that dail policies have kicked off when weekly ones are scheduled to run.