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Cross-site Backup?

Level 2
Hi All,

Its been a while since using Netbackup and I've been asked to help out with a small project. Just wodering whats the best way to do this, so here is the senario:

Currently, Site-A has a tape robot that backs up clients on Site-A and Site-B. For DR reasons  Site-B now has a new tape robot installed so that Site-B does the backup for all clients on Site-A and Site-A does the backup for all clients on Site-B.

I need to setup policies on the new server on Site-B, so I was wondering is there a way to export these policies?

Any help will be appriciated, more detailed the better.


Level 2

I was just thinking, could I not leave the policies on the old server and just update them so clients on site-A are backed up to robot on site-B and vice versa?

Level 6

You can copy them. rsync whatever.

Level 6
Eros - is site B for DR purpose only?

It is odd to me that you want to use server B (in Site B) to backup clients in Site A, and server A (in Site A) to backup clients in Site B.  Why do you want backup traffic to cross WAN link while each site has its own backup server and tape library?

If site B is not just for DR purpose, I'd suggest to add server B (in Site B) as a media server under the master server in Site A.  Then it will be really easy for backup management.  You don't need to copy or move backup policies.  Just create a new backup storage unit (server B with robot) for Site B and change the policies (that backup clients in Site B) to use the new storage unit.

Level 6
just like Bob said, go to netbackup/db/class and copy directories to new master server to the same location

Level 6
I understand what you want to do, and have another suggestion on how to get what you want without cross backups, but still be abel to restore backups from both servers from either master ( if you have the backup tapes avail).

You don't say if your masters are windows or unix and my solution - I only know how to do it in unix.

Too long to put in this post - send message to my inbox here on connect if you want another suggestion.

Level 2
Thanks for your replies guys, good suggestions but unfortunately I have not control over this, everything has been setup my high and mighty admin...I'm just doing the dirty job.... :)

Both servers are Masters on each site, its a Unix back end and that a no go area for me, they wont even let anywhere near it.

I am having to re-create the policies, once its working I'll remove from old server. Is there a way to export the policies from one master to another?

Also, I need to then update the clients with the new Master server, any way to automate/script this? All wintel clients.


Level 6
I think there exists a tool to do registry changes on multiple windows servers. Here is the entry that needs changed

NOTE: the first server listed should be the master server

Level 6

Hi eros,

There are several NetBackup commands that you can use to achieve the automation.  See the "NetBackup Commands for Unix and Linux" guide for details of them.

bppllist can help you to export policy configuration from and old Master:

# bppllist -U -allpolicies > /tmp/bppllist

bppolicynew can help you to create new policy on the new Master.  However, it would set the new policies with default attribute values.  You will have to either manually modify them, or use bpplinfo to update the attributes.

bpsetconfig is what you need to automate/script NetBackup client configuration change.  Put all the clients that you need to migrate in a text file (/tmp/nbu_client_list).  Put the new master server and media servers in another text file (/tmp/new_nbu_servers) such as below:

#cat /tmp/new_nbu_servers
SERVER = new_nbu_master
SERVER = new_nbu_media1
SERVER = new_nbu_media2

Write a shell script like this:

for Client in `cat /tmp/nbu_client_list`
        /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpsetconfig -h $Client /tmp/new_nbu_servers

Remember, you have to run the above script from the old Master server.

Hope your high and mighty admin will let you run the scripts.  Otherwise, tell him/her what you have and let him/her run the script.  :)