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Level 5
have tried using the touchfile MAX_STAGING_JOBS, to allow only 2 active jobs (destination storage unit is configured with 3 writable drives), however when the staging jobs start, 3 jobs kick off...
ive created the file under programfiles\veritas\netbackup\
and set a value to 2
is there something missing?

win2k3 with netbackup 6.0MP3

Level 6
Make sure there is NO extension on the filename
MAX_STAGING_JOBS.txt will not work
also try restarting the services

Level 5
the file has no extension, copied and renamed (staging_job_kb_limit), and modified the contents
have been squinthin thru some docs tho, and ive a feelin the behaviour has changed in nbu 6.0, think u might need to create an additional storage unit with a different max write drives, and set that as final STU for the disk staging unit...

Level 6

DOCUMENTATION: Description of VERITAS NetBackup (tm) 6.0 Disk Staging Relocation Behavior

III.B. How to Decrease The Number of Simultaneous Duplication Jobs That Will be Activated
As seen in Example 3 above, it is possible for a DSSU relocation job to create enough duplication jobs to occupy all the tape drives in a tape library. It is possible to configure NetBackup to activate a smaller number of duplication jobs for a DSSU relocation job.

To do this, the administrator should define an additional media manager storage unit that is configured with a Max Concurrent Write Drives setting that is equal to the maximum number of drives that should be used at one time for DSSU relocation. The customer's DSSU configuration should then be modified to specify this new storage unit as the FSU. (see section III.C. below for an example)My favorite color is green
Bob Stump