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Data Restore Query

Level 3

Hi, please help me with the problem mentioned below:


I am using Netbackup on Windows Server 2008, configured with Deduplication.

The Backup First goes to the MSDP & from there it is getting duplicated onto the Tape Library via SLP.


I forced a backup job for my Windows Server 2003 and it is having approx 1.5 TB of data.

Backup was running & suddenly got failed after backing up approximately 850 GB of data.

Is it possible to Restore files from 850 GB which was backed up?

If yes, then is there any special process for the same because I am not able to see the images in restores...I know it'll show the data for restore in "Backup, Restore window" only if the backup is completed successfully.

But I just want to know if it fails in between when the backup is running, what happens to the data which was backed up.

I hope it clears my query, for any further details required please let me know.

And I'll be really thankful if someone can help me with this.



Level 6

Is it possible to Restore files from 850 GB which was backed up?  ---  NO

to restore backup should finish without error

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

As advised above i am afraid the answer is NO - for this type of backup you really should use the checkpoint re-start option in the policy so that if it does fail before it has finished you can at least resume the backup from the last checkpoint to allow it to finish

If it been going to tape you may have been able to use a tar command to extract the data but to MSDP there is no such faciity and the unsuccessfull backup will be removed from the storage during the next clearnup cycle

Hope this helps

Level 3

Thanks Guys for the info :)

@Mark: Would appreciate if you could tell me in detail about the following statement "If it been going to tape you may have been able to use a tar command to extract the data"

And what is the process to do that with the same case, where the backups are going Directly to tapes.

Thanks in advance

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Something along the lines of this  but there are some other threads and blogs on here that should come up with a google search

Hope this helps