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Does anyone know howto regress a NBU6MP2 upgrade back to NBU5.1MP4

Level 4
Does anyone know howto regress a NBU6MP2 upgrade back to NBU5.1MP4.

As the NBU6 uses VNTED as the standard coms system, we now have to upgrade a large number of clients.

My firm does not wish to do this and would like to go back to 5.1 for the time being.

Any thoughts

Level 3
Upgrading the clients would be a lot less painful than attempting a regression, assuming you have run the nbpushdata command to bring all the media servers databases onto the new master?

I'm not certain that use of Vnetd is mandatory on NBU 6.xx.

You could ask Symantec if they have a de-conversion tool available for this regression?


Level 6
You should be able to still use your old clients and they should use the same connection method....
Even so. To go back to 5.1MP4, you will need a copy of your old catalog tape from before the upgrade, and do a DR restore of your master. You probably will lose any backups you have done since the upgrade....

What problems are you having with old clients?

Level 4
I have 51 clients on legacy 200+Nt boxes. They are running 4.5FP6.

This uses the old connection method rather than VNETD.

So i have entered them into the clients attributes section of master properties and set them to use the old connection settings.

When I run the backups individually or in small numbers they run fine.

When they all kick off I am getting issues of the ( for want of a better word ) supervisor job hanging and then I have to restart the services to get them to shut down.

I am suspicious that this is somthing to do with the number of available ports but am not sure.

All good ideas appreciated

Level 6
your clients are still 4.5... You can only go 1 major version down with your clients to a media server.
In otherwards, if you upgraded your media servers to 6.0, your clients have to be at 5.0 or later.
I know you can have a 6.0 master, with a 5.1 media server and 4.5 clients....

Level 4
You are indeed correct.

Its not much in the way of backwards compatability is it. Even Microsoft do better than that.

However by adding the clients into the clients attributes list you can get the servers to backup.

Unfortunately a quick upgrade of the clients is not an option as our change control is the biggest obsticle to me doing this.

Level 6
What about adding a 5.1 media server temporarily to host the 4.5 clients?

Level 4
How complex would that be?

Level 6
Not too hard, although I guess you would need to share the library with your 6.0 media server. Do you have Shared storage option? And you would have to update the client properties to allow the new server.