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Dreaded Status 25 and 58

Level 5

Hi all,

Out of the blue, a previously working backup now fails due to a Status 58 (can't connect to client) and no known changes were made to Netbackup or the network/AD.  The backup fails *immediately* with said error.  Double clicking on the client from the Admin Console host properties returns: Status 25, cannot connect on socket. 

Master/Media Server: Windows 2003, Netbackup 6.0 MP6
Client: Windows 2000 SP4, Netbackup 6.0 MP1

1. Depsite verbose logging enabled, nothing writes to the client's bpcd or bpbkar logs.
2. DNS/hosts files are correct, as are the services file.
3. From the master server, TELNET [client] 13782 works fine, and the NBU client service is confirmed to be up.
4. From the client, TELNET [MASTER] 13782 works fine
5. From the client, bpclntcmd -pn, -self, -hn, and -ip return correct results
6. From the master, bpclntcmd -hn and -ip return correct results
7. From the master, bptestbpcd returns a Status 25 (cannot connect on socket) regardless of the connect_options
8. server and client entries in NBU are all correct (registry and GUI)
9. like all other clients, the Connect Options in the Client Attributes are set to BPCD connect back on VNETD port.

10. the client's NIC is set to full duplex



All Log Entries
cannot connect to [client], An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.  (10054)
can't connect to client
backup of client [client] exited with status 58 (can't connect to client)

<2> bpbrm process_start_backup_msg: processing START BACKUP message.
<2> vnet_cached_gethostbyname: vnet_hosts.c.301: found host in cache: [client]
<2> vnet_cached_gethostbyname: vnet_hosts.c.301: found host in cache: [client]
<2> vnet_pop_byte: vnet.c.186: errno: 10054 0x00002746
<2> vnet_pop_byte: vnet.c.188: Function failed: 43 0x0000002b
<2> vnet_pop_string: vnet.c.274: Function failed: 43 0x0000002b
<2> vnet_pop_signed: vnet.c.324: Function failed: 43 0x0000002b
<2> version_connect: vnet_vnetd.c.1803: Function failed: 43 0x0000002b
<2> do_vnetd_service: vnet_vnetd.c.4339: version_connect failed: 43 0x0000002b
<2> vnet_async_connect: vnet_vnetd.c.4139: do_vnetd_service failed: 43 0x0000002b
<2> logconnections: BPCD CONNECT FROM TO
<2> vnet_pop_byte: vnet.c.186: errno: 10054 0x00002746
<2> vnet_pop_byte: vnet.c.188: Function failed: 43 0x0000002b
<2> vnet_pop_string: vnet.c.274: Function failed: 43 0x0000002b
<2> vnet_pop_signed: vnet.c.324: Function failed: 43 0x0000002b
<2> vnet_pop_status: vnet.c.414: Function failed: 43 0x0000002b
<2> vnet_begin_connect_back: vnet_vnetd.c.715: status: 43 0x0000002b
<2> ConnectToBPCD: bpcd_connect_and_verify([client], [client]) failed: 0
<16> bpbrm start_bpcd_stat: cannot connect to [client], An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.  (10054)

NetBackup Message
Timed out while waiting for acknowledgement.

The backup may or may not have initiated.
Check the status of the NetBackup Client Service;
it must be running in order to start a backup.
The server returned error code 23, more information can be
found in the NetBackup Troubleshooting Guide.


Accepted Solutions

Level 5
@  J.Hinchcliffe : strangely cycling the Netbackup services did not fix this, however, a complete server reboot did the trick.  Thanks all for your suggestions.

View solution in original post


Level 3




This is might be a name resolution issues, Is your master server is acting as media server too? If you are using a different mediaserver for backup then try telnet <mediaserver ip> bpcd from client and send me the results. Also add master and media server's IP and hostnames in /etc/hosts file of client and try backup.





"Nothing is Impossible"

Level 5

have you checked reverse lookup too?


ie from client


nslookup ServerName

use resulting IP in

nslookup ServerIP


and the same from the server to check client ..


check also bpcd logs on servers media servers (having set all verbose to 5 first)


I've also seen stuff like this from either bad hostfile entries (out of date) or even corrupt host file entries (where commenting out the line and re-typing solved)




Level 6

Happens to me every now and then.... usually on "Patch" night.


Recycle the netbackup service on the client and see if it works after that.


I always 'see' that the service is running, and so think that it should work.  but I also find that just a rcycle of the service makes it work again.


Can't say this is your issue, but just that I see it when 'those windows people' do patch updates ( does not happen on all servers either)

Level 5

Hi all,


Thanks for you responses.  The master server is the media server (no other media servers), and both forward and reverse DNS lookups work in both directions.


I have put in a change request to bounce the client (restarting the Netbackup Client service alone did not help).


I will keep you posted with the results...

Level 6

Try to get client properties from Nb admin gui, go to host properties - clients and try to connect to problematic server.

Level 5
@  J.Hinchcliffe : strangely cycling the Netbackup services did not fix this, however, a complete server reboot did the trick.  Thanks all for your suggestions.

Level 2
Partner Accredited Certified
Dear All,

I read all the past posts concerning the above problems as i am facing the same errors ,but the new issues is that the backup some times succeeded and some times failed with error code 25.

MY Environment is as Follows:
  1. Master is the Media Server Windows 2003 Sp2
  2. RHEL 5 is the client with oracle agent installed.
What i tried ..
  1. All the host name lockups from both sides and everything seems correct
  2. Also i tried to Add to Add the registry entry on windows according to this note
Please Any Help will be appreciated
