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For SQL Only Default-Application-Backup schedule is working but not the Automatic Backup schedule.

Level 3

Hi I'm Ab  (short for Abhishek)

We have a strange problem with our SQL backups (for any given policy), where in only the Default-Application-Schedule backup is working and any 'Automatic Backup' schedule created either completes with Status 0 or 1 (but with 0 kilobytes written, on the details TAB) Restore window is also unable to show up any images (because of 0 KB written). We tried to recreate the bch file and tested the backup with no success.


Any help is much appreciated !

Master and Media at 6.5.4

Dblicent log for one of the servers attached.





Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

If you have 4 different schedules to use then you only need 4 policies

You can put all of your SQL clients into each as long as the default path is used for the bch files - so you only need to specify one path or bch file name in the backup list as it will be applied to all clients.

So you have say a daily policy - all clients specified - one bch file specified - an automatic schedule that will run daily and a default application schedule with a fully open window and the desired retention period

You then have similar policies for Weekly, Monthly and Annual

Hope this helps

View solution in original post


Level 6

 'Automatic Backup' schedule ... with 0 kilobytes written


Perfectly normal as the Default-Application schedule does the actual data transfer initiated on the date/time indicated in the Automatic Backup schedule.

Level 3

Hi wr,

Appreciate your response, I'm getting a hang of this now, Automatic Backup schedule only manages the kick off of the backup job and Application backup does the main activity?


Does it mean that I need to create a Application schedule for every other Automatic backup schedule ?

In reality, We have Daily - 2 weeks, Weekly-1 Month, Monthly-1 Year, and Annual-7 years retention but only a single 'Application Backup' schedule type with retention of 1 Month.

Do we need a seperate 'Application backup' Schedule type defined with exact retention and window for respective Automatic schedules (Daily/Weekly/Monthly and Annual) ?

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

You need new policies ...

The Automatic backup asks the client to run its script ... it then runs what are effectively user backups using the Application backup schedule - so it is this one that defines the retention period for the backups.

You can only get it to use one application bacvkup in a policy so as you want Daily, Weekly, monthly and annual backups you will need to setup four policies to do that.

I would suggest using calendar scheduling to make sure they work properly - at least for the weekly / monthly / annual schedules

Hope this helps

Level 3

Hi Mark,

Thanks for the breifing on this :)  ..makes sense. We have over 60 SQL server backups with 4 schedules for each server accounting to 4 policies will create huge count for policies.


My idea (adapted version of a symantec technote--> credits to Symantec Support) of having them in a single policy is something like this (pls let me know If I'm talking sense and pardon my ignorance incase I'm interpreting a wrong way of meeting my requirement)

I've ensured that the schedules are calander based as per your suggestion :)

Create only one policy (We use the default path and name for the *.bch file) so selection list would be the same for any SQL client being backed up.

In that policy I'll would define a Automatic as well as a Application backup schedule with same backup start and end window (say 6 Pm to 8 AM) for each retention of 2 weeks, 1 month, 1 year and 7 years on the 'Application bakcup' schedule for corresponding Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Annual 'Automatic Backup' schedules. 

In short: there will be 8 schedules defined with 4 (Daily/Weekly/Mnthly/Annualy) of type 'Application backup' <backup start and end times sames as corresponding 4 (Daily/Weekly/Mnthly/Annualy) of type 'Automatic backup' .



Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

You mention the following in your Opening Post:
'Restore window is also unable to show up any images '

Where are you looking for backup images? 
SQL image browse and restore can only be done from the NBU for SQL GUI on the client. 
NBU 6.5 SQL Agent Guide  for detailed info.

PS: Please rather post logs as file attachments? Lengthy logs in the body of a post makes it difficult to scroll through and search for info/errors.

Another important point: PLEASE schedule upgrade of your environment as a matter of urgency - NBU 6.x will reach EOSL on 3 October 2012.

Level 3

Hi Marianne,


About the restore images + I'm seeing the right place 'client GUI' :)


My bad, I'll remmeber the point about the logs going ahead.


Regarding the upgrade, the process has already begun to 7.1 (as of now) any suugestion on patches which may be needed or tested to be working stable?


Problem with my SQL ( I believe Wr and Mark got it pinned out), just waiting on confirmation of comments following "Mark's post), any ideas from you on that comment ?

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

If you have 4 different schedules to use then you only need 4 policies

You can put all of your SQL clients into each as long as the default path is used for the bch files - so you only need to specify one path or bch file name in the backup list as it will be applied to all clients.

So you have say a daily policy - all clients specified - one bch file specified - an automatic schedule that will run daily and a default application schedule with a fully open window and the desired retention period

You then have similar policies for Weekly, Monthly and Annual

Hope this helps

Level 3

Thanks Mark !!! :D