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Full Weekly backups really slower than Full Monthly for unexpected reson

Level 4


have some strange behavior since some time.

Without big changes, the Full Weekly backups are really slower than Full Monthly for unexpected reson.

The backup speed is about 15 MB/s for the monthly Fulls but only about 7 MB/s for the weekly backups.

We are working with Master v. 7.0.1 on Windows 2003 R3. And the backup data are on a Windows cluster 2008 SP2 64bit.

No cluster tresspass..

All ideas are welcome



Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified



You'll have to investigate your environment. Search for speed/performance on the forum, there are hundreds of post explaining how you can verify the different components in the data path.


Check whether you're not perhaps running both weekly and monthly jobs at the same time.

Level 4

Weekly and monthly jobs are NOT running at the same time...

Level 6

we need to know few more details .....

is monthly & weekly backup happend in off business hours ??

both backup using same tape drive type ??

both backup using same medis server ?

what is system load status at the time of weekly backup & monthly backup ??

Level 4


Weekly & Monthly happened during the week-end.

Yes, both are using the same media server and the same drives.

The System load is similar for weekly and monthly backups..

Level 6

in the same Policy &/or using the same sort of settings? I'm thinking along the lines of "Limit jobs per policy"and "Allow multiple data streams" (Policy level restrictions) or "Media multiplexing" (Schedule level restriction) which will determine how many jobs run at the same time - more concurrent jobs = lower transfer rate.

Are there any exclude_lists/include_lists set up that may be different between the two schedules - NB can spend time building its "list" of what needs to be backed up.


Just a couple of thoughts.....

Level 4

Good thoughts o:)

But unfortunately the policies, multiplex & data streams settings are the same. The schedule are also similar, only the frequence & rentention are different.

No exclude/include list at all...


Level 6

Are you talking about same amount of data for your monthly & weekly backup?

It's better you provide a screenshot or spreadsheet of those 2 jobs, with the columns of "kilobytes", "number of files" together with the MB/s you already mentioned.

Again, you need to provide more details especially your policy setting (output of bppllist <policy> -L) , than just giving basic info. 

If your monthly & weekly are not using the same policy (which is possible), check its policy attribute if "compression" or "encryption" is enabled.

Level 4

Policy Name:       NAS_CH9_FS01_F
Options:           0x0
template:          FALSE
c_unused1:         ?
Names:             (none)
Policy Type:       MS-Windows (13)
Active:            yes
Effective date:    05/20/2009 14:57:09
Client Compress:   no
Follow NFS Mnts:   no
Backup netwrk drvs:no
Collect TIR info:      no
Mult. Data Stream: no
Perform Snapshot Backup:   no
Snapshot Method:           (none)
Snapshot Method Arguments: (none)
Perform Offhost Backup:    no
Backup Copy:               0
Use Data Mover:            no
Data Mover Type:           2
Use Alternate Client:      no
Alternate Client Name:     (none)
Use Virtual Machine:      0
Hyper-V Server Name:     (none)
Enable Instant Recovery:   no
Policy Priority:   0
Max Jobs/Policy:   Unlimited
Disaster Recovery: 0
Collect BMR Info:  no
Keyword:           (none specified)
Data Classification:       -
Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:    no
Client Encrypt:    no
Checkpoint:        no
Residence:         STU_VTL_CH9_PDP
Volume Pool:       Weekly
Server Group:      *ANY*
Granular Restore Info:  no
Exchange Source attributes:              no
Exchange 2010 Preferred Server: (none defined)
Generation:      21
Ignore Client Direct:  no
Client/HW/OS/Pri:  lsnnasfs01 Windows-x64 Windows2008 0 0 0 0 ?
Include:           F:\
Schedule:          Full_Weekly
  Type:            FULL (0)
  Frequency:       7 day(s) (604800 seconds)
  Maximum MPX:     1
  Synthetic:       0
  PFI Recovery:    0
  Retention Level: 10 (5 weeks)
  u-wind/o/d:      0 0
  Incr Type:       DELTA (0)
  Alt Read Host:   (none defined)
  Max Frag Size:   0 MB
  Number Copies:   1
  Fail on Error:   0
  Residence:       (specific storage unit not required)
  Volume Pool:     (same as policy volume pool)
  Server Group:    (same as specified for policy)
  Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:     0
  Daily Windows:
   Day         Open       Close       W-Open     W-Close
   Sunday      000:00:00  000:00:00
   Monday      000:00:00  000:00:00
   Tuesday     000:00:00  000:00:00
   Wednesday   000:00:00  000:00:00
   Thursday    000:00:00  000:00:00
   Friday      000:00:00  000:00:00
   Saturday    000:00:00  018:00:00   144:00:00  162:00:00
Schedule:          Incremental
  Type:            INCR (1)
  Frequency:       1 day(s) (86400 seconds)
  Maximum MPX:     1
  Synthetic:       0
  PFI Recovery:    0
  Retention Level: 10 (5 weeks)
  u-wind/o/d:      0 0
  Incr Type:       DELTA (0)
  Alt Read Host:   (none defined)
  Max Frag Size:   0 MB
  Number Copies:   1
  Fail on Error:   0
  Residence:       (specific storage unit not required)
  Volume Pool:     (same as policy volume pool)
  Server Group:    (same as specified for policy)
  Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:     0
  Daily Windows:
   Day         Open       Close       W-Open     W-Close
   Sunday      000:00:00  000:00:00
   Monday      022:00:00  026:00:00   046:00:00  050:00:00
   Tuesday     022:00:00  026:00:00   070:00:00  074:00:00
   Wednesday   022:00:00  026:00:00   094:00:00  098:00:00
   Thursday    022:00:00  024:00:00   118:00:00  120:00:00
   Friday      000:00:00  000:00:00
   Saturday    000:00:00  000:00:00
Schedule:          Full_Monthly
  Type:            FULL (0)
  Frequency:       35 day(s) (3024000 seconds)
  Maximum MPX:     1
  Synthetic:       0
  PFI Recovery:    0
  Retention Level: 8 (1 year)
  u-wind/o/d:      0 0
  Incr Type:       DELTA (0)
  Alt Read Host:   (none defined)
  Max Frag Size:   0 MB
  Number Copies:   1
  Fail on Error:   0
  Residence:       (specific storage unit not required)
  Volume Pool:     Monthly
  Server Group:    (same as specified for policy)
  Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:     0
  Daily Windows:
   Day         Open       Close       W-Open     W-Close
   Sunday      000:00:00  000:00:00
   Monday      000:00:00  000:00:00
   Tuesday     000:00:00  000:00:00
   Wednesday   000:00:00  000:00:00
   Thursday    000:00:00  000:00:00
   Friday      000:00:00  000:00:00
   Saturday    000:00:00  018:00:00   144:00:00  162:00:00

Level 6

- do you have issues with either the weekly or monthly backups not running?

With a backup window that looks like (if my calculations are correct) Saturday 00:00 to Sunday 18:00 are the backups getting later & later in the window? Just wondering if you are encountering "schedule creep" where the backup doesn't start exactly when the window opens due to the frequency not having expired. (e.g. for a weekly backup we have a frequency of 6 days or less so that it has passed by the time the backup window opens the following Saturday - for monthly we use calendar based)

How do you find that the monthly backup with a frequency of 35 days actually works?

Level 4


No issue about the backup completion... both finish successfuly..

And the performance issues occurs "only" with the weekly backups...

Weekly taking much more time to complete.. with the same amount of data as monthly (with small difference)..

Level 6

I was just wondering if they seemed to be starting later & later into the backup window that's all as opposed to immediately the window opens (not necessarily directly related to the issue that you are encountering with actual performance)

Level 4

It seems that Netbackup is quite clever because the jobs are starting every 5 weeks at the begin of the backup winodws...

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Am I going nuts or is there potential to completely skip a month with a 5 week setup?

Level 6

- but then who's to say that the requirement has to be for calendar months?

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

True, its possible, but not "that" probable :p


Then again, this is IT, anything goes.

Level 4

Do you this this 5 weeks schedule could have any impact on the current issue ?

Level 6

I think most people are used to a monthly backup following a more 'natural' monthly schedule e.g. last (or first) day of the month, last (or first) Saturday of month or whatever.

If the 5 week schedule matches your business requirements, then stick with it.

Level 4

Any idea about the issue...? Anyone having the same issue and fixed it ?

This issue sounds really strange for me

Level 6

other than what has already been offered.

The schedules certainly appear to be the same therefore no configuration issues there. Only other thing has already been mentioned i.e. the overall environmental workload when these jobs are taking place - e.g. NetBackup load (master/media), client load, network load etc.

Is it consistently an issue? Has it only just started to happen? Nothing physically a problem - drive needs cleaning & coincidentally this is the one that the monthly uses?

Sorry, grasping at straws now.