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Full Weekly backups really slower than Full Monthly for unexpected reson

Level 4


have some strange behavior since some time.

Without big changes, the Full Weekly backups are really slower than Full Monthly for unexpected reson.

The backup speed is about 15 MB/s for the monthly Fulls but only about 7 MB/s for the weekly backups.

We are working with Master v. 7.0.1 on Windows 2003 R3. And the backup data are on a Windows cluster 2008 SP2 64bit.

No cluster tresspass..

All ideas are welcome



Level 4

It happened only the week-end... and for some time ago...

The library is a VTL Falconstor, therefore I assum no cleaning or hw issue..

I will do some testing the upcoming weekend...

For ex. not using the STU group but force to one STU. Upgrade some clients to the same level as the master (which is not the case today). Recreate some policy..

I will also increase the logging over the week-end for deeper troubleshooting.

And see the result on Monday..

Hopefully I will be able to share more details and behavior soon...

Level 6

Probably not then!  :D

Hope it goes well over the weekend - keep us updated.

Level 6

The Falconstor VTL docs indicate it can be used in four different ways, one of them as a gateway configuration, utilizing other vendors' storage.  Could you possibly have more than one physical disk storage type connected to your VTL appliance?  And could the Volume Pools (Monthly & Weekly, according to your policy output above) be directed to different physical storage types?

Level 4


some updates..

Only 1 storage Pool connected to the VTL.

Here some example of servers stats: with huge speed difference..


Policies:   Schedule Date Active Elapsed KB /s Size (GB) NB Files
NAS_G   Full_Weekly 20.08 1 16:29:48 6040 839.07 2033388
    Full_Monthly 13.08 17:24:47 14139 842.56 2029212
NAS_H   Full_Weekly 20.08 2 04:56:53 7029 1277.14 2136434
    Full_Monthly 13.08 1 09:56:16 11563 1343.82 2106647