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Hot Catalog Backup

Level 3

I had a new library installed last week and needed some help with Hot Catalog Backups, when the old library was attached the catalog backup would finish successfully now it consistently fails. I get two different errors with the failures:

unable to allocate new media for backup storage unit has none available(96)


none of the requested files were backed up(2)

How do I resolve this issue? I created a new Hot Catalog backup policy and got the same results. Is there something that I should have done to prepare netbackup for the new tape library?



Level 6
Check the policy storage unit.
Check for media in CatalogBackup volume pool

Level 4
Employee Accredited Certified

* Confirm your new library is properly configured.

* If it replaces an older library, ensure they are density compatible, then ensure the NBU maps are correct to the drive.  For example, older drivers configured as HCART, new drives should be configured as HCART. 

* Then finally, Make sure you run robotic inventory and updatre volume configuration.  Usually if you replace a library, NBU removes the older library, and add the newer one in it's place.  This always requires moving previous logical media maps from robotic to standalone (if NBU doesnt do that for you, you must do it),  Then you perform the inventory, and NBU uses the barcodes the library provide to re-add to volume configuration.  Now the maps are up to date.

* the policy that your hot catalog backup should be using the updated storage unit, with updated inventory.

Level 6

As it was said in the previous reply it is necessary for you to verify if netbackup is able to recognize the new library, its drives and the slots.

1. Ensure the density of the media (you are using for catalog backup) and the drive density matches.

2. Check if all the old tapes are properly inserted and are being recognized by the new library

3. You said it fails with error 96 and error 2.  For error 2 check if any critical policy has been mentioned in the DR tab of the catalog policy.  If that policy is deleted or moved then it will fail with error 2.

4. For error 96 you have to see if the volume pool used in catalog policy has scratch tapes in it and the storage unit is a valid one for the new library.

I did faced the same issue like yours but i was getting error 2 and i checked and removed the policies in the DR tab and the backups ran successfully.

Hope this helps.

Level 3
I noticed this morning that a Catalog Backup completed successfully, it is listed as the CATALOG_DRIVEN_BACKUP but later the same job failed and there is yet a third job that failed this is trying to backup D:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackupDB\staging\EMM_DATA.db. How do I create a new catalog backup and start from the begining? Is that even an option?


Level 3
The density of the tapes did change, I use to use HCART2 now I am using HCART tapes. I did run an inventory and it shows all my new tapes. How do I remove previous logical media maps?


Level 6

In the left pane right click on Catalog and click configure netbackup catalog backup.

Assign two new tapes for catalog backup from that window.

Note that the tapes you assign should be in Netbackup volume pool, once done click OK and close it.

Now configure a policy with type NBU catalog and give it the correct storage unit and volmepool

Run the catalog backup now and see

BTW what was the error it showed up when it failed last time

Level 6
Is your problem resolve?

Level 6
It is recommented to configure Hot catalogs to run in regular manner

we r running it every 8 hours in our setup .u set its duration according to ur needs .we also send catalogue tapes to offsite.