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How to identify size of folder or file selected for restore

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I'm using NetBackup Backup, Archive and Restore 5.1. I'm trying to understand how to identify the size of a folder or file that is marked for restore before executing the restore.
I've currently had an issue where a folder was restored which exceeded the available disk space on the destination server which resulted in a disk crash.
I've looked through the help menus and trawlled the net but i'm still scratching my head. Can someone advise if this is possible and if so how to go about doing it.

Level 6
I have not found a way to do this. You can tell the size of an image but not embedded folders in the image as they all show up as "0". I suppose you could add thee size of all the files in the folder to get an idea of the general size of a folder.

Level 6
it will be hard to find out, but you can try to run the bpimagelist command to get the size of the image of the backup that you want to restore and based on that ensure you have tha space available.